Privacy Policy:

BitIndex AI

Version 1.0 | Last Updated: (21/08/2023)

Your Privacy Matters!

BitIndex AI respects your privacy and is committed to protecting any personal information you provide while using our app. Here's what you need to know:

1. Information Collection: We do not collect any personal data from our users. The app operates solely in a simulated environment for educational purposes, and no real financial transactions or investments are involved.

2. Coin Data: BitIndex AI may access real-time cryptocurrency data to provide up-to-date information for educational purposes only. However, this data is not linked to any user's personal identity.

3. Data Storage: Any virtual portfolio and associated data you create within the app are stored locally on your device and are not transmitted or shared with us or any third parties.

4. In-App Advertising: BitIndex AI does not display third-party advertisements to users.

5. Data Security: We take reasonable precautions to safeguard any information you provide within the app. However, as the app does not collect personal data, your privacy is inherently protected.

6. Age Restriction: BitIndex AI is intended for users of all ages. We do not knowingly collect any personal information from minors.

By using BitIndex AI, you agree to abide by this privacy policy. Please remember that this app is purely for educational purposes, and no real financial activities are involved.

For any questions or concerns about this privacy policy or the app, please contact us at (

Thank you for choosing BitIndex AI for your crypto learning journey!