Bitdefender in past had a linux product available for consumer version but that was discontinued. Currently a request has already been placed with the development team regarding the reintroduction of linux product for consumers.

Bitdefender had linux version available for home users in the past but then they discontinued it. Currently, the availability for linux version is only available if you go in for business product of bitdefender.

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Hello BD folks! I really like BitDefender, but it makes me sad that there is no longer Linux for home users available. I manage 3 Windows laptops, 1 Windows VM, 1 Linux laptop, 1 Linux server, 3 Android phones and one iOS phone. It would be great to have these all protected by a single AV tool and ideally with some way how to get notified about any security threats. I know there is portal which is cool, but it lacks any notification functionality. I didn't find a way how to setup any notification when a machine gets infected.

 And then there are more signs of a malware infection... First of all, both my laptop and PC are going WAY slower than they should. Looking at the task manager reveals abnormal usage by windows services. I installed security task manager and examined the running tasks more closely... I identified that one of the offending targets appeared to be postgreSQL (which I don't remember installing) but upon further inspection, I found that it is NOT located in the typical installation folder. Instead of being in program files, it is located in C:/postgreSQL/bin... scanning it with bitdefender, of course, showed that the file was not infected...

 I have no idea exactly how deeply my laptop and PC are infected. It is clear that this is no ordinary malware infection. I really need to know how I can just completely nuke everything that has even a slight potential to be a virus or malware, in the hard drive.. system files... the BIOS and firmware and while I'm at it the modem and the wifi! I will not have this infection back again! Oh, and I would need to find a way to completely repair the registry back to a perfectly functioning and undamaged state. As well as critical system files. But all that will only be temporary once I can get the BIOS, firmware and network so healthy that I can just give up on windows and install linux...

 It seems there are very few linux solutions out there for Bitdefender. It would be a shame to let me expensive subscription go to waste... The only tool I have found seems to be seriously outdated, replaced by Bitdefender for businesses... And I do not (yet) have a business...

 But perhaps there is something I overlooked. I'd like to know how I can get a squeaky clean Ubuntu install on my laptop and PC, with access to the best tools for protection from future threats, find a way to make use of my bitdefender subscription, and have a SAFE way to run Windows and iOS programs that I really quite need on linux.

 I forgot to mention a really nasty way this malware has really put me in a hole, is it has ACTUALLY INTERFERED WITH BITDEFENDER BEFORE. At once point, bitdefender shut off on me. Completely. It was not running at all. Upon opening Bitdefender, it told me that my subscription had expired, and I was not protected. Yet I have about 300 days left on my subscription. So whatever this malware is, it is able to mess with Bitdefender completely un-noticed, which is extremely alarming.

Well in short, as per the information that I had received earlier from the community forum administrator, the market margin for linux is still less as compared to mac and windows, hence bitdefender discontinued the linux version for home user.

Well since bitdefender does not have a linux product for home user, you can either go with kaspersky or eset. I would prefer eset since it has excellent detection when it comes to detecting linux malware.

I am familiar from BitDefender and I was aware of their product -endpoint-security-tools-for-linux-best-practices-167... and hoped it might be included. One other thing for Armor I would suggest. On devices that do have Protection services running, I wish Armor did not try to get me to switch, My company uses McAfee and I have another business computer that uses Norton. Both have endpoint security and are tightly managed but the lac of Armor "lowers" my network score, incorrectly.

Truth be told Antiuvirus is a waste of time in linux, firstly most virus clients scan for windows viruses and there is not a windows virus I am aware of that has any devastating effect on linux.

Secondly even if there are a few viruses for linux they are easy enough to avoid, keep to the main repositories for your distro and avoid certain third party packages if possible.

But most third party packages you may find are unlikely harmful, if you are extra unsure just dont download them.

Seriously the only real worry I would have is if you share files via email or run a mailserver with windows users.

But careful habits is the real way to avoid any security issues, the best way to keep clean is not to be stupid.

Because it is available via the official repository, installing Bitdefender on Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Pear OS and Elementary OS is easy. All you have to do is add the repository to your system, download and import the key, update the local repo index and install the bitdefender-scanner-gui package. Like this:

So my question is - which link do I need? According to an article by a Mintuser, the one for Mint is[color=#4000BF][/color]and i just wondered if this was the same one to use for Peppermint 4 Os. Or oneof the others?

Supply PasswordInstructions:Password: Provide the root passwordClick the Login Button Section 3: Obtain IP Address AddressOpen a TerminalInstructions:Applications --> Accessories --> Terminal Get IP AddressInstructions:ifconfig -aNotes (FYI):As indicated below, my IP address is for Network Interface eth0.Please record your IP addressThe Local Loopback Address is for Network Interface lo.The loopback device is a special, virtual network interface that your computer uses to communicate with itself. When the network or wifi is disconnected the loopback exists so applications running on your computer can always connect to servers on the same machine. Section 4: Download BitDefenderDownload BitDefenderInstructions:mkdir -p /var/tmp/AVcd /var/tmp/AVwget _0/lesson4/ -O BitDefender-7.6-4.deb.runNote(FYI):Command #1, Use (mkdir) to create the directory (/var/tmp/AV). Use the flag (-p) to suppress errors if the directory already exists.Command #2, Use (cd) to change directory into (/var/tmp/AV).Command #3, Use (wget) to download BitDefender. Use the flag (-O) to name the downloaded file ( Think wget link has been updated, but the picture has not. Install BitDefender (Part 1)Instructions:ls -lrtash BitDefender-7.6-4.deb.runNote(FYI):Use (ls -lrta) to list (-l) all file in the (/var/tmp/AV) directory, by order by time in ascending order (-rt), and display hidden files (-a). A simply (ls -l) would work, but (ls -lrta) is habit for me.Command #2, The BitDefender* is a shell script. However, by default, that shell script has 644 permission, which means it will not run, unless you (1) invoke it by way of a shell (sh) -or- change the permissions to something like (755) and source it (./BitDefender* Install BitDefender (Part 2)Instructions:Press the until you see the Accept messageNote(FYI):Command #1, The Accept Message will look similar to the below.Please enter "accept" if you agree to the License Agreement. Install BitDefender (Part 3)Instructions:Type acceptPress  Install BitDefender (Part 4)Instructions:Type YPress  Successfully InstalledInstructions:Verify that you see that BitDefender was successfully installed. Update BitDefenderInstructions:which bdscanbdscan --updateNote(FYI):Command #1, Use (which) to display to full path of which bdscan is located.Command #2, bdscan is BitDefender console virus scanner for Unices. Use the flag (--update) to automatically update the virus signatures. This will take between 10 to 15 minutes to update. Section 5: Proof of LabProof of Lab Instructions: bdscan --infodateecho "Your Name"Replace the string "Your Name" with your actual name.e.g., echo "John Gray"Proof of Lab InstructionsDo a Paste into a word documentUpload to Moodle

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wget _Security_and_Management/BitDefender_Antivirus_Scanner_for_Unices/Unix/Current/EN_FR_BR_RO/Linux/

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