How To Fix Unconfirmed Bitcoin Transaction Error?

Bitcoin Transaction Error

Buying and selling of Bitcoin is as much as easier thanks to advance Blockchain technology. But sometimes transactions related issues arrive and Bitcoin users notice that their transactions remains unconfirmed for longer time period. To deal with such issues, you need to understand why Bitcoin transaction remains unconfirmed or why such issues arrive or how to deal with it.

How to Check Unconfirmed Bitcoin Transaction?

To check the unconfirmed Bitcoin transaction you have to follow the stepwise instruction given below.

Step 1: After executing the transaction, your wallet should give you an option to view the transaction on a block explorer or give you the transaction ID.

Step 2: The transaction ID of Bitcoin on Blockchain looks like this: 7a43510802e113b7059851ef0a8a5c3625db37541861dd982f56253b2d5c4ff9

Step 3: And to check the number of confirmations for a transaction, you can paste the ID into a block explorer like

Actually, there could be multiple reasons when Bitcoin transaction is not confirmed such as transaction confirmation processing time and failed due to block in the Blockchain. When network is overload with multiple tines users it fails to process the confirmation resulting an unconfirmed transaction. So contact Bitcoin customer care number.

And the most common and prominent reason is when your Blockchain transaction fee is very low or absent, the lower your fees for transaction’s gives the least priority in the Blockchain network. However, if you face such failed confirmation you can find the solution below to deal with such issues.

Bitcoin Unconfirmed Transaction

Steps to Get Unconfirmed Bitcoin Transaction:

Method 1: Firstly you have to wait, until your transaction either get confirmed finally or expire/get ‘forgotten’ and returned to the source wallet. These transactions might take up to 14-21 days.

Method 2: Either you can accelerate your transaction by searching for a suitable solution online, or ask the support team for right recommendations.

Method 3: Or you can try the Child Pays for Parent (CPFP) method that forcefully include both your new transaction and your unconfirmed one in the block.

Method 4: Or using the “Replace by Fee”-protocol – which probably does not apply to you, but it’s arguably the best way to “unstick” transactions.

Method 5: Finally doing RBF/”Double spend” even if the original transaction was not marked as RBF.

How To Make Sure Ensure Your Transactions Are Confirmed?

Every time after executing the Bitcoin transaction should make sure your transaction is confirmed or not. And to avoid such problems you are recommended to use the suggested TX fee setting found in most wallets. If you are going to change it, you may choose a lower miner fee by accident that resulted to an unconfirmed transaction into your Blockchain account.

However, most of wallets select the miner fee automatically that helps users to avoid waiting hours and the time for confirmation of your transaction and making sure it doesn’t get stuck in the Bitcoin block, so that every time your transaction is confirmed.

Call Bitcoin Support Number for Technical Issues

Though, these are the most effective ways to fix unconfirmed Bitcoin transaction issue. I think it is enough to solve your Bitcoin unconfirmed related transactions. However, if you still face the same problem you need to take help of experts to deal with such issue. Here you can call Bitcoin customer service number to online assistance by such experts and solve the problems remotely. These experts will also help you to solve the Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies or Blockchain related other problems affecting your transactions.