I am a Postdoc at Clark University, MA, USA

                                                    Aquatic Locomotion & Soft Matter Studies 

                                   Welcome to my site

Welcome to my scientific odyssey! As a dedicated soft matter experimentalist, I am enthralled by the intricate movements of micro and macroscopic organisms. From the locomotion of bacteria to the graceful undulations of aquatic worms, my research explores the nuanced dynamics of soft filaments and the energetics of filament bundles. I am also interested in the rheology of mediums during soft filament movement. Driven by profound curiosity, I aspire to delve into practical biological questions related to cell dynamics and intercellular transport. 

Utilizing microscopic and high-speed camera imaging, coupled with object tracking and statistical data analysis, I try to understand the complexities of the system around us. Join me on this captivating journey, where the world of soft matter converges with the marvels of biology, illuminating the beauty and complexity of the microscopic universe.

I have a passion for travel and hope to visit a place every year. I am always open to new experiences, cultures, and ways of thinking.

Cilia beating Experiment

Microbial Movement 

Twisting soft filament

Sediment Burrowing Robot 

Worms Navigating Pores  

Camphor Boats