Reading Guide

The 2nd edition reading guide for Birthing Justice: Black Women, Pregnancy, and Childbirth can be found here

Want to dive deeper into the book? Start or join a Reading Group. Here's how:

1. Click here to download the Reading Group guide.

2. Decide on a date, time and place for the first gathering, and whether it will be virtual or in person. 

3. Is it open to all or open people who fall into a specific category, like health professionals, doulas, or mamas?

4. Invite friends and /or colleagues, you can also post an invitation on your social media feeds.

5. Post an invitation on the Birthing Justice Facebook page with details about the criteria for joining and how to contact you. 

6. Have your first gathering! Discuss as a group: will you meet biweekly, monthly? Ask each member to pick a chapter that they would like to lead a discussion about. Use the questions as a discussion guide.

7. Have fun, get vulnerable and enjoy the journey of discovery!