Originario della regione montuosa del Kentucky ma ormai inurbatosi nella polizia di Chicago, il sergente Truman si  fatto una fama di duro. Un giorno per gli uccidono il fratello pi giovane Gerald e Truman si scatena. Sulle tracce degli assassini per si mette anche l'altro fratello, Briar, sceso dalle montagne deciso a farsi vendetta da solo.

Si  consumata una vendetta trasversale che non fa onore. Piero De Luca, figlio del governatore della Campania, non ha preso bene la decisione di Elly Schlein di retrocederlo dal ruolo di vice capogruppo del Pd alla Camera.

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Il fratello di Truman Gates, un poliziotto di Chicago, viene brutalmente assassinato. L'unico testimone oculare viene prontamente messo a tacere. Truman cerca la vendetta, e non riuscendo a ottenerla attraverso la giustizia ordinaria decide di fare da solo. Gettato il distintivo, inizia una caccia all'uomo che lo porta al regolamento dei conti finale.

Non si esclude - fre la varie ipotesi - che il rapimento del figlio di Maurizio Valeri possa essere stato ordinato dalla criminalit organizzata come vendetta trasversale nei confronti del padre 47enne. Il fascicolo d'indagine affidato ai magistrati dell'antimafia di Roma fa propendere proprio per la pista della criminalit organizzata.

Secondo quanto ricostruirono gli inquirenti, che arrestarono quattro persone sequestrando sette chili di droga - preludio al sequestro da narcos sudamericani fu il furto da parte di un esponente di una nota famiglia, di una ingente partita da droga, sottratta ad un sodalizio rivale. Da qui la vendetta. Individuato l'appartamento di quello che era ritenuto il responsabile dello sgarbo, part una vera e propria spedizione punitiva. Era il 17 novembre scorso quando un gruppo di persone armate ed incappucciate fece irruzione nell'abitazione del litorale romano.

Trovata la casa vuota - con un vicino pestato per non aver risposto alle loro domande - il commando si spost a Dragoncello, ma anche in quel caso non trovarono nessuno. Una vendetta che arriv il 4 dicembre, quando la banda trov due donne in casa, entrambe parenti del loro bersaglio. Tenute in ostaggio per una notte la mattina seguente una delle vittime venne liberata, mentre l'altra venne usata come merce di scambio.

Richard Harrison (born May 26, 1936) is an American actor, writer, director and producer. Harrison was very prolific and worked with most of the well-known names in European B-movies during the 1960s and 1970s, also branching out to exploitation films shot all over the world in the early 1970s.

Harrison's career dwindled slowly in the 1970s at the same rate as the Spaghetti Western died. He began appearing in low-budget movies shot all over the world: In Egypt (You Can Do a Lot with 7 Women, 1971), with the Shaw Brothers in Hong Kong starring in the title role of Marco Polo (1975) and playing the German commander von Waldersee in The Boxer Rebellion (1976). Harrison worked in Turkey (The Godfather's Friend, 1972), directed by Farouk "Frank" Agrama, and as Sgt. Taylor in a Yugoslavian war film, the 1979 effort Pakleni otok, led by Vladimir Tadej.

In the Philippines, Harrison acted in five ultralow-budget actioners, best classified as Z-movies, produced by K.Y. Lim for Silver Star Film Company (called Kinavesa in the Philippines). Three, Fireback, Hunter's Crossing and Blood, Debts (1985), were directed by Teddy Page, and two, Intrusion Cambodia (1984) and Rescue Team by John Gale. All were bad, but the three Page films were exceptionally so, mixing near-sadistic violence with childlike, enthusiastic naivety reminiscent of the films of Ed Wood. In the books Gods in Polyester and Gods in Spandex, Harrison states that he wrote some of the screenplays for Filipino films practically overnight, using a pseudonym. For example, Harrison's "Fireback" screenplay Harrison wrote is credited to "Timothy Jorge," a pseudonym usually used by Don Gordon Bell, one of the expatriate American actors working for Silver Star. Harrison also mentions that the Silver Star films he acted in didn't have complete shooting scripts, and many scenes were improvised on the spot, contributing to their disjointed narrative.

In Hong Kong, Harrison starred in what was supposed to be a small number of low-budget martial arts "ninja" films directed by Chinese filmmaker Godfrey Ho, with whom he was already familiar from working for the Shaw Brothers in the 1970s. However, Ho later re-edited his scenes into many more films in a cut-and-paste style of filmmaking that has since made him infamous. As a result, Harrison found himself the unwilling star of at least twenty-four different movies, with titles like Ninja Terminator, Cobra Vs. Ninja, Golden Ninja Warrior, and Diamond Ninja Force. Like the Silver Star productions, the "ninja" films have become cult films. Disgusted with that outcome, Harrison returned to the United States.

Harrison subsequently slowed down his film work over the next few years. His last movies were the 1993 erotic thriller Angel Eyes and the 2000 film Jerks. Angel Eyes was directed by the prolific cinematographer/director Gary Graver and starred Erik Estrada, John Phillip Law, and Monique Gabrielle.

Some of the more noteworthy movies in Harrison's later career were the Moroccan film Amok (1982) and Dark Mission (1987), by both loved and hated Spanish director Jess Franco. Unfortunately, the latter might not be much better than Harrison's Filipino films in terms of quality. Still, it did have a more-interesting-than-usual cast featuring Christopher Lee, Christopher Mitchum, and French adult film star Brigitte Lahaie (also known for appearing in the horror films of Jean Rollin). be457b7860

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