

Stereotyping and ethnicity gaps in teacher assigned grades , Labour Economics, 2024 [with Hester Burn, Laura Fumagalli].

Parental responses to information about school quality: Evidence from linked Survey and Administrative Data, Economic Journal 133, 2023, 2334-2402 [with Ellen Greaves, Iftikhar Hussain, Imran Rasul].

Going universal - The impact of free school lunches on child body weight outcomes, Journal of Public Economics Plus 3, 2022, 1-19 [with Angus Holford].

Does more free childcare help parents work more?, Labour Economics, 74, 2022 [with Mike Brewer, Sarah Cattan, Claire Crawford]

Quantity and quality of childcare and children’s educational outcomes, Journal of Population Economics 35, 2022, 785–828  [with Jo Blanden, Emilia Del Bono, Kirstine Hansen]. 

Sibling spillover effects in school achievement, Journal of Applied Econometrics 34, 2019, 482-501  [with Cheti Nicoletti].

Do school inputs crowd out parents’ investments in their children? IZA World of Labor, 460 2019, 1-9.

The effect of school spending on student achievement: addressing biases in value-added models, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (Statistics in Society), 181(2)2018, 487-515 [with Cheti Nicoletti]. 

Universal pre-school education: the case of public funding with private provision, Economic Journal 126(May) 2016, 682-723 [with Jo Blanden, Emilia Del Bono, Sandra McNally]. 

Inequality in pupils‘ test scores: how much do family, sibling type and neighborhood matter?, Economica, 80(318) 2013, 197-218 [with Cheti Nicoletti] 

Differences in Opportunities? Wage, employment, and house-price effects on migration, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 74(6) 2012, 831-855 [with Mark Taylor]. 

Dual-Earner Migration. Earnings gains, employment and self-selection, Journal of Population Economics 24(2) 2011, 477-497.

Residential mobility, quality of neighbourhood and life course events, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A (Statistics in Society) 173(3) 2010, 531-555 [with Mark Taylor]. 

Occupational Pensions, Wages, and Job Mobility in Germany, Scottish Journal of Political Economy 54(4) 2007, 531-552. 

The Role of Firm Pensions for Job Change in Germany, Journal of Contextual Exconomics, 2005, vol. 125 (1), 63-74.


University access: the role of background and Covid-19 throughout the application process. Working Papers of the Institute for Social and Economic Research no. 2022-7, Colchester: University of Essex [with Emilia Del Bono, Laura Fumagalli, Angus Holford].

Weight report letters: help or harm in preventing childhood obesity? Evidence from England 2021 [with Yuliya Kazakova]

Do secondary school inputs increase or decrease gaps in cognitive skills?, 2019 [with Cheti Nicoletti].

Breastfeeding and child cognitive outcomes: Evidence from a hospital-based breastfeeding support policy. Working Papers of the Institute for Social and Economic Research no. 2012-29, Colchester: University of Essex [with Emilia Del Bono].

Work in Progress

Universal Free School Meals and children's bodyweight: the role of programme features [with Angus Holford]

Parental mental health [with Jo Blanden, Claire Crawford, Laura Fumagalli]

The adverse effects of weight reports in schools [with Yuliya Kazakova]

Parental investments in private tutoring [with Konstantina Maragkou and Cheti Nicoletti]

Sibling spillover effects in bad behaviour [with Hester Burn and Cheti Nicoletti]

The Under 5s during Covid-19 [with Gabriella Conti and Yuliya Kazakova]

The impact of Brexit on financial expectations and behaviours [with Bernhard Schmidpeter]


Childcare and children’s development: features of effective programs, with Jo Blanden, in: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance 2021, Oxford University Press. doi: 

Schooling inputs and behavioural responses by families, in: S. Bradley and C. Green (eds.) The Economics of Education, A Comprehensive Overview, second edition 2020. London: Elsevier/Academic Press, p.217-227.

Moving home: wishes, expectations, and reasons, in: Stephanie L. McFall (Ed.): Understanding Society: findings 2012, University of Essex: Institute for Social and Economic Research p. 17-18 

The Local Environments, with Nick Buck, in: Stephanie L. McFall, Christine Garrington (Eds.): Early findings from the first wave of the UK’s household longitudinal study. Colchester: Institute for Social and Economic Research, University of Essex, 2011, p. 99-108 

COVID-19 research

During COVID-19 I led two rapid response projects:

Covid-19 and School Availability: Impact on parental labour supply and well-being, with Jo Blanden, Claire Crawford, Laura Fumagalli, funded by the Nuffield Foundation  (project website)

Mind the Gap: Educational inequalities during COVID-19, with Emilia Del Bono, Laura Fumagalli, Angus Holford, funded by the ESRC (project website)

Watch my vlog on the impact of COVID-19 school closures on social inequalities and mental health in young people, with Jules Pretty (Essex)

Listen to my podcast on the education system post Covid, with Paul Johnson and Luke Sibieta (IFS)

Listen to my podcast on how school closures have affected children, with Paul McBride (EIF)

Listen to my podcast on COVID-19 and children's mental health and wellbeing, with Cathy Cresswell and Jennifer McMahon 

COVID-19 blogs / notes / papers:

University access: the role of background and Covid-19 throughout the application process (working paper)

University access: the role of background and Covid-19 throughout the application process (explainer)

Coping with school closures: the changing responses of schools, parents and children during COVID-19

School closures and parents' mental health

La Voce article on school closures and children's mental health (in Italian)

How have school closures affected children's mental health?

School closures and children's emotional and behavoural difficulties

Understanding Society COVID-19 Survey briefing note: Home Schooling

Covid-19 and educational losses: The case for sending the youngest back to school

What difference will the COVID Summer Food Fund make to children's lives?

Article in Poverty, the CPAGs magazine, on Universal Infant Free School Meals