Birchwood Park

Birchwood Park, at the corner of Lawndale and Hilldale streets, is the result of a joint effort between FEMA, the city, and the park district to alleviate the flood problems of some residents.

Prior to 1992, the property had two residences, but these properties often dealt with flooding issues as they sat at the confluence of two tributaries of Farm Creek, one from the north and one from the east.

In 1980, a particularly damaging flooding incident took place, covering the area of Lawndale, Hilldale and Birchwood with several feet of water.

After two separate flooding incidents in 1990, the residents of the area became more vocal with their pleas for help. In 1992, FEMA purchased the properties at 902 and 904 Birchwood Drive to relieve those homeowners of their burden. FEMA then donated the property to the city, who paid for the demolition of the homes and landscaping of the property.

By 1994 the area had been turned into the park it is today, with some sparse playground equipment and a picnic area. It is still owned by the city, but the park district does provide regular landscape maintenance. As per the FEMA agreement, it must remain open-space.