5th IEEE International Conference on BioInspired Processing, BIP 2023
Call for posters
Poster submission deadline: October 23rd, 2023
Poster acceptance notification: October 30th , 2023
Conference dates: November 28th – 30th, 2023
Biodiversity informatics (application of ICT to biodiversity conservation)
Bioinformatics and biocomputing
Bioinspired artificial intelligence
Bioinspired big data analysis
Bioinspired electronic and computational devices
Bioinspired high performance computing
Bioinspired image and sound processing for health and life sciences
Bioinspired machine learning
Bioinspired materials and biomimetics
Bioinspired robotics
Bioinspired social network analysis and modelling
Bioinspired pattern recognition and classification
Bioinspired signal recognition
Computational systems biology
Computer-related genomics and molecular structure, function and evolution
Computer-related issues regarding structure and function of DNA and RNA, and interaction of proteins
Dynamic models of metabolic, signaling and gene expression networks
Evolutionary systems
Special Track
Climate change applied to BIP topics
Review and publication of posters
At BIP 2023 we encourage students and their advisors to submit short papers for its presentation as a poster on a dedicated session. Posters offer the opportunity to present research work in progress to experts and receive valuable feedback. The session encourages networking and discussion among peers, which may lead to possible collaborative efforts in the region. Please let the BIP community know about your work and take part of a vibrant academic network.
Submitted works will be judged based on their originality, methodological quality and obtained preliminary results. Furthermore, accepted works will be included next year in a special volume of the journal Tecnología en Marcha, indexed in Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index and Scielo.
In case of acceptance, student registration fees apply per person participating in the event.
A short paper with no more than 6 pages on 21.5 x 28 cm (8.5 x 11 inches) is expected. It should be submitted in a Microsoft Word document, with 1.5 line spacing, in a single column, using 12-point font.
The paper title should be simple, clear, concise, and in both Spanish and English.
Please clearly provide the author's first name, last name, profession, telephone numbers, email address, place of work (institution, department, school), and the country of the institution's origin. Additionally, you should provide the author's ORCID number. If you do not have one, you can create it at https://orcid.org/
Abstract and keywords must be provided in both Spanish and English. The abstract should consist of no more than 250 words.
Mathematical formulas and equations should be created using the Microsoft Office Equation Editor.
The International System of Units (SI) should be used when applicable.
The bibliography should appear at the end of the document, arranged in the IEEE format.
The Editorial Committee will not process short papers that do not meet these requirements.
For your convenience, the journal provides a template on the website, available at the following link: Tecnología en Marcha Word Template
In case of acceptance, guidelines for poster design would be provided via e-mail.
Short papers must be submitted through the CMT3 Microsoft system link provided below. When submitting, please choose the track BIP2023: Poster Session.
Please bear in mind that an CMT3 Microsoft account is necessary to proceed.