BioX Club IIT Bombay

The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shoreline of wonder.


The Biotech club sees itself as a student platform to foster a community of members with shared interests in biotechnology. We envision ourselves to be a community of bio-enthusiasts which strives towards increasing the level of enthusiasm and knowledge for Biotech and Bioengineering establishing a link between biology and engineering so that engineers can contribute towards biology.

Our goal is to satiate the curiosity of bio-enthusiasts and let other know about the wide and amazing world of biotechnology and bioengineering.

What we do

We organise various events around the year to foster interest in biotechnology and bioengineering. We conducts talks, webinars, group discussions to enrich knowledge. We also organise fun filled activities to enjoy and learn. Not to forget the movie screenings, lab visits and much more to give a taste of biotechnology and bioengineering.

Do you feel bio is not for engineers?