

-Gauri Garg

Astrobiology is the all-encompassing study of life in this universe, including our Earth.

Let us take a look at the more appropriate or scientific definition.

Astrobiology, formerly known as exobiology, is an interdisciplinary scientific field concerned with the origins, early evolution, distribution, and future of life in the universe. Astrobiology considers the question of whether extraterrestrial life exists, and if it does, how humans can detect it.

In other words (or philosophically speaking), It is the study of the most profound questions that humans can ask themselves.

What Is life?

How did we evolve?

Are we alone?

Can earth-born species survive in outer space?

Having acquainted ourselves with various definitions and purpose of astrobiology, we must go a step further and dive right into various exciting advancements that are currently taking place in this field.

Since it is impossible to cover all facets of astrobiology in this assignment, let us focus only on one question, can earth-born species survive away from the Earth?

If we are to build colonies on mars, if Elon Musk is to realise his vision of having a million inhabitants on mars in the next 40-100 years then it is necessary to be aware of the ways outer space affects the life forms of Earth. Biological studies enable us to know that in fact humans are not adapted to life in space. In zero gravity muscles lose force, bones lose density, vision becomes blurry , and the immune system grows weaker. A study conducted on twins, with one of them being sent to space for a year showed that regulation of his DNA sequence changed as compared to his brother!

Now if biological studies enable us to identify the obstacles to space colonization then they also help us overcome these in various ways.

By studying the behaviour of mice in the NASA Rodent Habitat in the International Space Station , researchers have found that mice behaved typically as they would on Earth, except that they would circle around the habitat walls. The mice were all in excellent health at the end of the experiment.

Researchers don’t yet know the reason of their circling behaviour but one theory is that the mice probably realized that physical activity helped their bodies to adapt better to conditions of microgravity in the space station.

This study can make significant inroads in the maintenance of human health in space, in conditions of microgravity.

One of Space Biology’s major objectives is also to understand how the spaceflight environment affects how plants grow and thrive.

Basic research has allowed NASA scientists to grow edible plants in space that could be used as a source of fresh food by the crew on the ISS. Considering that every single thing that astronauts eat is freeze-dried and comes out of a shrink-wrapped package, being able to enjoy a fresh vegetable provides a healthy and much welcomed break from this routine!

Already, edible romaine lettuce and cabbage has successfully been grown on the ISS.

Somethings to look forward to in the future of astrobiology-

1) What happens to reproduction and the development of offspring across a lifespan and over multiple generations in space? As we set our sights toward the exploration and colonization of Mars, these are the big questions that astrobiologists strive to answer.

Since no mammal has yet given birth in space, the answers we seek may not be seen for years!

2) Gene Editing

Its relevance to astrobiology may not be that obvious but it is worth noting that with advancement of gene-editing tools, such as CRISPR-Cas9, one can do the work of several generations of breeding in a single experiment. This would enable scientists to modify the genes of astronauts in such a way so as to be able to survive in space. To make Humans or other living beings adaptable to the conditions of space, one must not neglect the important role that gene-editing has the potential to play in the future of space colonies.

The above examples all but prove that space biology is not just limited to biology and astronomy, but rather it is an all- encompassing field of study including genetics, astronomy, chemistry etc. and I feel that it is safe to say that strides in this field has the potential to alter the course of not just humanity, but of the universe as a whole.

With this assignment of mine I hope to highlight the some of the most exciting avenues of astrobiology. It is merely a gist of the things that I came across in my research to learn more about astrobiology.
