Our team is united by a common dedication to advancing nanomedicine and nanodiagnostics, working collaboratively to integrate cutting-edge nanotechnology with medical applications. Through our combined expertise, we aim to revolutionize healthcare by developing innovative diagnostic tools and therapeutic solutions at the nanoscale, contributing to more precise and effective medical interventions for improved patient outcomes.

Paola Sánchez-Moreno 

Team leader

PhD in Biomedicine 

Department of Applied Physics, University of Granada

Mattia Bramini 

Team leader 

PhD in Bionanointeractions 

Department of Cell Biology, University of Granada

Pre-doctoral researchers

Lidia Hernández-Cubas

*Co-supervisor Dr. Carmen Lucía Moraila-Martínez





Daniel Jiménez-Boland




Ana Robles-Fernández





Martín Villegas-Montoya

(Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa) 

*Co-supervisor Dr. Carmen Lucía Moraila-Martínez



Master Students

1) MARTA ORTEGA MARTÍNEZ. Graphene and Graphene Oxide exposure to primary micoglia-astocyte co-cultures. Regenerative Biomedicine 

Bachelor Students

1) MACARENA OCHOA DE RETANA CODES. Interactions of glioblastoma cells with microglia. Biology

2) MARÍA PAULA JIMÉNEZ. Interaction of biomimetic nanoparticles with the blood-brain barrier Biology


The BIOTHERA-Lab is a vibrant and multidisciplinary research environment, fostering collaboration and innovation across a wide range of scientific disciplines. 

The composition of the team reflects a broad spectrum of expertise, including biotechnology, pharmaceutical sciences, neurosciences, cellular and molecular biology, chemistry, interface and colloidal science. This diversity ensures a holistic approach to research, drawing on insights from different perspectives to address multifaceted problems in healthcare and medicine.

The annual intake of MSc and BSc students further enriches the lab's environment by providing opportunities for the next generation of researchers to engage in cutting-edge projects and receive hands-on training in nanomedicine. This commitment to education and mentorship not only advances scientific knowledge but also cultivates future leaders in the field.

Former members 

Bachelor Students:

1)  ANA ROBLES FERNANDEZ . Magnetic Microparticles as innovative neuro-interfaces to guide neuronal regeneration . Biotechnology

2)  LAURA ALCAIADE LOPEZ . Síntesis y caracterización de partículas magnéticas para aplicaciones biomédicas. Chemistry

3) AIRAM SANTIAGO ROQUE GUERRA. Nanomaterials to guide neuronal regeneration. Biotechnology

4) MARÍA BELÉN MARTÍNEZ RUIZ. Nuevas tecnologías para restaurar las deficiencias visuales debidas a la degeneración de la retina. Optics and Optometry

5) CLAUDIA SIMONETTI. Bionano-interazione di grafene ed ossido di grafene con microglia primaria. Biotechnology

6) MARTA ORTEGA MARTÍNEZ. Nanoparticle interaction with an invitro model of blood-brain barrier. Biotechnology

7) MARINA MUÑOZ FERNÁNDEZ. Nuevas tecnologías biomédicas para tratamiento de las patologías degenerativas de la retina.Optics and Optometry

8) JACK ZHANG ZHOU. Monocyte nanoghosts with a multidrug oily core to target breast cancer. Biotechnology

9) MARÍA PARRA REYES. Bio-Nanointeracciones de nanoalambres magnéticos con células tumorales. Biology

10) MERCEDES HURTADO LÓPEZ. Nanopartículas biomiméticas como potencial tratamiento frente al cáncer. Biology

Master students:

1) PAULA MARIA GARCIA FRANCO. Magnetic Nanoparticles: a promising tool for neuronal regeneration. Investigación Traslacional y Medicina Personalizada (TransMed)

2) ANA ROBLES FERNANDEZ. Graphene based supports as novelneuronal interfaces: evaluation of primary astrocyte growth and biocompatibility . Genetics & Evolution

3) ADRIAN FERNÁNDEZ TRAPOTE. Biocompatibilidad del grafeno y del óxido de grafeno con microglía primaria. Regenerative Biomedicine

4) DANIEL JIMÉNEZ BOLAND. Cell Membrane Coated Nanoparticles as a Potential Tool for the Treatment of Glioblastoma. Translacional Research & Personalised Medicine (TransMeD)

5) ALESSANDRO DORIGO. Microgel based supports as innovative tools in biomedicine.  Chemistry and Pharmacological Techniques

6) NATALIA PÉREZ TORRES. Interacción grafeno-microglía: evaluación de la biocompatibilidad para sus aplicaciones en biomedicina.  Regenerative Biomedicine   

7) MERCEDES HURTADO LÓPEZ. Soportes Magnéticos 3D Conductivos e Inyectables Para la Reconexión Neuronal. Investigación Traslacional y Medicina Personalizada (TransMed)