Postdoc opening

We don't have postdoc positions in our group at the moment. However, we are happy to support candidates with strong CVs to apply to the following scholarships:

Newton International Fellowships

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships

Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowships

The full list of postdoctoral fellowships can be found here. Interested candidates with a background in smart materials, wearable sensors, digital manufacturing, and biotechnology should directly contact Dr Morteza Amjadi at for details.

PhD opening

We are always looking for motivated and talented candidate to pursue their PhD studies at the University of Glasgow. Interested students with excellent track of records should contact Dr Morteza Amjadi at for details.

Undergraduate projects

We are always seeking enthusiastic undergraduate students to work on various multidisciplinary projects. Interested students can contact Dr Morteza Amjadi at