biology teaching and learning resources

UK Center for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning Teach Anywhere Resources: offers resources, advice, and tips for online and hybrid teaching

Vanderbilt University's Center for Teaching: offers How-to guides for a variety of teaching practices

Promoting Student Metacognition Kimberly J Tanner; guide to help teach metacognition in biology course

Structure Matters: 21 Teaching Strategies to Promote Student Engagement and Cultivate Classroom Equity  Kimberly J Tanner

Approaches to Biology Teaching and Learning: Engaging All Students in Science Courses Kimberly J Tanner and Deborah Allen; guide for engaging all learners in science courses

Instructor Strategies to Alleveiate Stress and Anxiety Among College and University STEM Students

Jeremy Hsu and Gregory Goldsmith

HHMI Biointeractive  A collection of teaching resources to engage students in science

Course Source - an open-access journal of teaching resources for undergraduate biology and physics

National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science - an open-access resource of case studies for use in STEM courses