Contact and Communication

Dr. Stokes

Office: Sci I 219

Phone: 661-654-2886


*Please put bio 4340 in the subject line of your message, otherwise, you may not receive a response. I check emails twice a day (Monday-Friday), and once or twice over the weekends. If I don't respond immediately, please remain calm and be patient! I promise, I will respond ASAP. However, if I haven't responded within 24 hours, please send me a gentle reminder. 

Course Materials and Assignments: Canvas

Office Hours: M 2:oo-4:00, W 11:00-12:00, or R 11:00-1:00

Other Communication Tools!

Communication is the key to successful learning (and life in general)!!!

There are a lot of you and only one of me. So, in the interest of having a smooth semester, as well as my sanity, it is vital that we all try to communicate as effectively as we can! 

So, please don't wait until the last minute to notify me of an issue. If you need help, ask for it early!!!

Please be clear in your communications and respectful of each other. Use the resources below to help you communicate with your fellow classmates and myself!


Slack is a program that allows for communication and collaboration between colleagues. We will use it this semester to aid in our quest for better communication in this online world. Click the Sign in to Slack button below and sign yourself up using your email address. Don't worry, it's FREEEEEEEE!!!! You can use it in your web browser or download the Slack app on any of your devices. 

On Slack you'll find a couple of channels that are already set up. One is #frequentlyaskedquestions. Use this for general course questions (see below). The other is #chemicalecology. Use this channel to share cool things related to the course! Did you make a cool observation? Did you read an awesome paper or article? Share it with us! I assure you that we're all interested. 

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