Course Essentials

Course Description

This course will cover Evolution at both the micro and macro scales. You will learn the mechanisms of evolution, and gain an understanding of evolution on broad and fine scales. I hope you will gain an appreciation of the common themes that are present in throughout biology as a result of evolutionary change, as well as the differences!! 

Learning Objectives: 

Students in this course will: 

Text Book

Bergstrom, C.T., and L.A. Dugatkin. 2023. Evolution Third Edition. W.W. Norton & Company, New York, NY. 

The above text will serve as your primary reference for this course, along with lecture notes. You are expected to read the assigned chapters BEFORE coming to class, along with any supplemental online material posted on Canvas.  The text is required. You will be assigned homework from the Inquizitive program (see Course Details for more information) that is associated with the book, so you have to have the book to get access to this (see more on this below). There is an e-book version that is only $74.95, and purchasing a hard copy of the book OR the e-book will give you access to Inquizitive. You can purchase the e-book and access to Inquizitive here. There are links to the online resources on Canvas as well! You can also purchase a license for the Inquizitive program only for $25 here

You may also use other versions of this book! 


This will be my main means of communication with you.  On the site for this class, you will find the Powerpoint presentations for my lectures, any assigned readings that are not part of your text book, assignments, exams, quizzes, etc.  I will also post relevant announcements here, so please check this regularly.  There is a free app available that will allow you to get notifications when the Canvas sites for your courses are updated.  If you have the technology for this, you may consider downloading the app.


Slack will be used to enhance communication between you, your classmates, and myself. I will use it to communicate with you, but it will also be a way for you to contact me, share cool things related to the course, and ask questions.