Research Projects

Development of interactive training strategies for gait rehabilitation to improve gait functions

Gait rehabilitation promotes the recovery of gait impairments caused by neurological disorders by enhancing activity-dependent plasticity in the central nervous system. To maximize the therapeutic benefit of gait training, the key components to consider are the subjects’ active participation, training intensity, and retention of learned motor patterns. To further investigate this research, my study is looking into novel perturbation-based methods of using visual feedback and/or functional electrical stimulation to provide efficient motor adaptation during gait training. 

Effects of Visual Feedback Distortion on Human Gait Adaptation: The first approach to improving gait rehabilitation is to provide the visual feedback of gait patterns with patients during therapy. The visual feedback displays foot movements and spatiotemporal gait patterns (for example, step length, stance time, or swing time) in different formats such as number, graph, or animation. This visual feedback can be provided under a circumstance where patients are expected to achieve certain goals with the help of the visual feedback. In this way, visual feedback can augment patients’ voluntary efforts. I have investigated to what extent the visual distortion strategy can influence human locomotion, especially gait symmetry [1,2]. The goal of visual distortion strategy is to distort patients’ perception of visual feedback to expedite motor learning (gait symmetry improvement) occurring during training. The study focuses on finding the optimized rehabilitation strategies using a paradigm of visual feedback and performance-based algorithm to facilitate the recovery process.

[1]. The effects of visual feedback distortion on human locomotion (SfN 2012)

[2]. The effects of visual feedback distortion on gait adaptation (SfN 2013) 

Effects of Visual Feedback Distortion on Human Gait Speed: As an extension of the visual feedback paradigm, we have further explored the effects of visual feedback strategy and developed a different type of visual feedback distortion (so called, speed-influencing visual feedback distortion) that can influence individuals to increase their walking speed on a treadmill [3]. Increasing the intensity of gait training can be readily achieved by increasing walking speed through treadmill training. Thus, I anticipate that this proposed visual feedback method can implicitly influence individuals to change walking speed during training and produce better functional outcomes from therapy. 

[3] The effects of visual feedback distortion on gait speed (SfN 2014) 

Effects of Removing Visual Feedback on Gait Symmetry: My students and I have also investigated whether the absence of visual feedback- after it had initially been provided- had any impact on the subjects' gait patterns. During testing, a computer screen displayed the current step length of each leg to the subject by the way of two vertical bars. Halfway through each trial, only one vertical bar representing the left side continued to be displayed. This change in visual perception produced a response in every subject, causing each person to modulate his or her gait symmetry. It was shown that there was a greater immediate response when this change occurred at slower speeds, rather than at faster speeds. This result suggests that when the method of visual feedback is altered, such as in displaying step length information for only one leg rather than both legs, subjects respond by spontaneously modulating their gait pattern [4].

[4] The effects of removing visual feedback on gait symmetry: a pilot study (SfN 2015)

Effects of Ankle Perturbation during Electrical Stimulation on Gait Cadence: Effects of ankle perturbation during electrical stimulation on gait cadence We have developed and tested a novel strategy that uses an electrical stimulation technique for gait training. Entraining human gait with periodic ankle perturbations may provide a novel approach to gait training that is competent to exploit the natural oscillating dynamics of human walking. To test the feasibility of this strategy, we used a transcutaneous electrical stimulation tool to apply periodic perturbations to the ankle during treadmill walking. We aim to investigate if subjects would spontaneously change their gait periods to synchronize with the perturbation by phase-locking the electrically evoked perturbations at a terminal stance phase. The results of this study will support a new strategy for gait therapy that exploits an embedded neural oscillator interacting with peripheral mechanics and the resulting natural dynamics of walking, which are essential elements of gait training [5].

[5] The effects of ankle perturbation during FES on gait cadence: a pilot study (BMES 2017)

Effects of Feedback Distortion on Visuomotor Adaptation with Gait: Visuomotor (sensorimotor) adaptation refers to the phenomenon where visually guided motor behavior changes in response to a sensory-prediction error signal (difference between the aiming and feedback location), and also plays an important role in motor planning and execution. Studies on visuomotor adaptation generally consist of arm-reaching tasks, but less is known about how it effects human locomotion. We have proposed a novel task design, called visual feedback distortion, in which the left and right step lengths are measured during treadmill walking and displayed to subjects as two vertical bars, and the length of only one bar is distorted. We further investigated how gait adaptation, driven by a sensory-prediction error, may be compromised in two different modalities of feedback distortion (visual (shape) feedback & digit feedback) questioning what constitutes the sensory feedback that results in forward model adaptation? 

Sensory-prediction errors constitute the difference between the actual sensory feedback and the expected sensory feedback for a given motor command. We demonstrate that sensorimotor adaptation still arises even when the actual sensory feedbacks are represented in an abstract or informative way (visual shape or digit forms in our study) suggesting that visuomotor adaptation in gait does not necessarily rely on visually presented feedback and is not restricted to any one form.

[6] The effects of Feedback Distortion on Visuomotor Adaptation with Gait (SfN 2018)

A locomotor adaptation using visual feedback distortion: will does an individual’s cognitive belief regarding the adequacy of visual feedback affect visuomotor adaptation?: We hoped to discover an effective method for increasing retention of motor learning by comparing the gait retention rate of subjects who experience visual feedback (VF) of gait symmetry while walking on a treadmill in two different conditions. In a naive condition, subjects walking on distorted VF were unaware that an asymmetrical gait was being induced and that the VF was distorted, while in an informed condition, subjects were aware that an asymmetrical gait was being induced and that the VF was distorted. Our study aims to examine whether an individual’s belief in the accuracy of VF will influence the efficiency of locomotor adaptation on spatial gait symmetry. The clinical applications of this experiment would be the development of more effective gait rehabilitation programs and techniques for victims of stroke and other related neurological disorders.

[7] A Locomotor Adaptation Using Visual Feedback Distortion: Role of Explicit and Implicit Action (BMES 2020)

Concurrent locomotor adaptation and retention to visual and split-belt perturbation: Gait asymmetry is a common symptom in groups with neurological disorders and significantly reduces gait efficiency. To develop efficient training for gait rehabilitation, we propose a novel gait rehabilitation paradigm that combines two distinct perturbation strategies: visual feedback distortion (VFD) & split-belt treadmill (SBT) walking. In SBT walking, spatiotemporal gait adaptation can be readily made, but it quickly fades. Gait adaptation to implicit VFD tends to persist longer, potentially due to more implicit motor learning processes involvement. Thus, I investigated whether the combined strategies lead to more effective changes in symmetric gait patterns with longer retention. I compared retention of preserved asymmetric pattern acquired by implicit VFD+SBT walking with SBT walking alone and SBT walking with conscious correction. The results of this study showed a greater retention rate during the implicit VFD+SBT trial than the SBT walking only or the SBT walking with conscious correction trials [8]. The implicit visual distortion paradigm can then be utilized and integrated into SBT walking to improve the efficacy of symmetric gait adaptation by producing longer-lasting effects on the retention of a newly learned motor pattern.

[8] Dual locomotor adaptation and retention to visual and split-belt perturbation (SfN 2021)

Adapting and Retaining Gait symmetry in response to functional electrical stimulation (FES)-based perturbations during treadmill walking: Gait asymmetry is a common symptom in neurological and musculoskeletal disorder populations, significantly reducing gait efficiency and daily activity levels. Current physical rehabilitation techniques employ a split-belt treadmill to alter gait patterns during training (perturbation-based gait training), demonstrating short-term corrective effects on gait asymmetry.

With the goal of developing effective training to improve gait asymmetry, I have proposed a novel perturbation-based gait training, utilizing functional electrical stimulation (FES) to artificially alter gait patterns. I have sought to investigate whether FES-induced perturbations could induce sizable changes in spatiotemporal gait symmetry in healthy subjects.

In this study, the focus was on changes in temporal gait symmetry, including stance phase, swing phase, and double-limb support phase percentage. To achieve this, the FES-induced perturbation paradigm was deployed, in which healthy subjects adapted their gait patterns to periodically applied FES on their right and left legs while walking on a treadmill. This study’s finding suggests that FES-induced perturbations-this entails the periodic delivery of electrical stimulations to both legs in a predetermined manner, can stimulate an individual’s gait adaptation in temporal gait symmetry through a mechanism known as entrainment (the synchronization of a subject’s gait phase with the stimulus period) [9]. Further experiments shall provide additional understanding regarding the long-term effects of FES-induced perturbations on changes in the temporal characteristics of gait symmetry.

[9] Gait symmetric adaptation and retention to functional electrical stimulation during treadmill walking (BMES 2022 & 2023)



Dec. 2023: Dr. Kim was awarded an internal grant from CBU for the year of 2024.

Dec. 2022: A paper was published in PLOS ONE.

Jan. 2022: Dr. Kim was awarded a microgrant (CBU internal grant) for the 2021-2022.

May 2020: Dr. Kim was awarded the "CBU 2020 Distinguished Scholar of the Year Award"

Jan. 2020: Dr. Kim was awarded a microgrant for the 2019-2020.

Aug. 2019: A paper was published in Human Movement Science.

Jan. 2019: Dr. Kim was awarded a microgrant for the 2018-2019.

Dec. 2018: A paper was published in PLOS ONE.

Mar. 2018: A paper was published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

Jan. 2018: Dr. Kim was awarded a microgrant for the 2017-2018.

Nov. 2017: A paper was published in Annals of Biomedical Engineering.

Mar. 2017: A paper was published in Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.

Jan. 2017: Dr. Kim was awarded a microgrant for the 2016-2017.

July. 2016: A paper was accepted in International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.

Jan. 2016: Dr. Kim was awarded a microgrant for the 2015-2016.

May. 2015: A paper was published in IEEE Transactions on BMES.

Feb. 2015: Dr. Kim was awarded a microgrant for the 2014-2015.

Apr. 2014: A paper was published in Journal of NeuroEngineeirng and Rehabilitation.

College of Engineering, California Baptist University

8432 Magnolia Ave. Riverside, CA. 92054