Course Overview

This is a first course on Bioimage Understanding. The course has emphasis on the following three introductory areas:

  • Lego Blocks of Visual Recognition Knowing the fundamental visual recognition tasks, being able to perform such task and convert the biological problem statements into one or more of the fundamental tasks
  • Open Source Software Ecosystem getting familiar with the widely used image analysis tools
  • Coding workshop This is a project oriented module to help students learn coding for image analysis


This is a course designed for computational biologists who already have some prior experience in image analysis, and preferably, an introductory class on programming. If you are familiar with the basic data structure (e.g., arrays) and programming constructs (e.g., conditional statements, loops, file handling) in any programming language, you will be able to follow the course. The fundamental ideas and concepts discussed here are quite general, and you can implement the ideas in your favorite language, or even in the off-the-shelf libraries to a great extent without doing any heavy duty coding. For the logistical purpose though we shall stick to programming environment, namely, MATLAB and OpenCV-Python.

Where to Start?

Start here: Introduction