Biofluid Symposium

in Biofluids 2021

RIMS Research Project “Mathematical Biofluid Mechanics”

Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University

Kyoto, June 21-24, 2021

Biofluid Symposium (21-24, June, 2021) has attracted 120 participants from 8 countries, including 29 speakers. The symposium ended with great success. Thank you very much!


Biofluid mechanics has gathered significant attention from various research communities such as physical and material sciences, engineering, biology and medicine. In particular, novel computational and theoretical techniques, mathematical models and methods are all required to understand complex motions in biological phenomena. In this RIMS symposium, after the week of RIMS Tutorial Seminar, we have an opportunity for students and researchers all around biofluid mechanics to meet and share their knowledges, methods, recent research results, and current trends. This symposium is held as part of RIMS Research Project 'Biofluids2021'

Date & Venue:

Date: June 21 (Monday) - June 24 (Thursday), 2021

Venue: Hybrid (onsite participants at Maskawa Hall, North Campus, Kyoto University & online participants)

The symposium is held only online due to the situation of covid-19.

Access Information:

Access information has been sent to the registered email addresses (2021-06-18, 19:00JST). If you had registered but have not received the email, please contact the organisers.

Booklet available:

  • Programme is here.

  • Booklet including programme, abstracts and instruction is here (updated: 2021-06-18).

  • Quick instruction of Spatial Chat is here

Plenary Talks:

Lisa Fauci (Tulane U., USA)
"Spinning helices, heaving panels and waving tails: the role of flexibility in propulsion"

Graham Taylor (U. Oxford, UK)
Organizational principles of the sensor-rich control architecture of insects: how sensing is matched to actuation and flight mechanics

Masaki Sano (U. Tokyo)
"Active hydrodynamics of cell monolayer: Flows induced by topography"

Dmitry Kolomenskiy (Skolkovo Inst., Russia)
"Animal Flight from the Viewpoint of Computational Fluid Dynamics".

Confirmed Invited Speakers:

  • Hitomi Anzai (Tohoku U.)
    "Deep leaning network for predicting cardiovascular hemodynamics"

  • Yusuke Goto (CEBC-CNRS, France)
    "Navigation strategies of albatrosses in response to wind"

  • Takuji Ishikawa (Tohoku U.)
    "Hydrodynamics of ciliary swimming"

  • Kazuo Inaba (U. Tsukuba)
    "Structure, motility regulation and evolution of eukaryotic cilia and flagella"

  • Yoshinobu Inada (Tokai U.)
    "Characteristics of swarming behavior of animals -- Is it more like particle or fluid? --"

  • Eva Kanso (U. Southern California, USA)
    "Multi-synchrony in ciliary systems"

  • Edgar Knobloch (U. California at Berkeley, USA)
    "Pressure-driven wrinkling of soft inner-lined tubes"

  • Daiki Matsunaga (Osaka U.)
    "Biomimetic fluid mechanics with magnetic materials"

  • Mate Nagy (Eötvös Loránd U., Hungary)
    "Bioinspiration principle for collective motion from animals in different media"

  • Kei Senda (Kyoto U.)
    "Flight mechanics and control of flapping butterfly"

  • Masako Sugihara-Seki (Kansai U.)
    "Lateral migration of red blood cells in capillary tube flows"

  • Daisuke Takagi (U. Hawaii at Manoa, USA)
    "Predator-prey interactions mediated by flow sensing"

Important Dates:

  • Application Deadline:

    • Mar 31, 2021 [onsite participants]

    • Apr 16, 2021 [online participants]

  • Notification of Acceptance:

    • Apr 28, 2021

  • Registration:

    • Jun 4, 2021 [participation only]


  • Yusuke Fujita (Hiroshima U.)

  • Makoto Iima (Hiroshima U.) [chair]

  • Kenta Ishimoto (Kyoto U.)

Past workshops (2012-2020):

Program information about past RIMS Workshop on Biofluid Mechanics (2012-2020) is available Here.