Call for papers

Online poster presentations

This workshop will host online poster presentations. In addition, we may provide some selected poster presenters with the possibility to give an online or on-site flash talk in our workshop, depending on the final schedule.

Submissions from all relevant disciplines are welcome. These may include, but are not limited to, anthropology, archeology, biology, cognitive science, genetics, linguistics, modeling, musicology, neuroscience, paleontology, primatology, and psychology.

We are looking forward to your contributions!


Please note that the workshop will take place on September 5th (in the second workshop slot) and the poster presentation takes place subsequent to it!

In addition, you are invited to present your poster on September 6th and 7th during online poster sessions of the main conference.

You can find the conference schedule here:

How to submit

Please submit your abstracts by filling in this submition form (closed).

  • Please use this word template for your abstract.

  • Abstracts should be max. 300 words (without the reference list).

  • Please submit PDF file only.

The submission deadline is July 10th, 2022 (23:59 CET)! (Extended)

What happens next?

Your abstract will be controlled for scientific quality. There is no classical peer review for this workshop. We aim at providing an interdisciplinary discussion platform for as many researchers as possible!

  • You will get the notification for your submission right after the scientific quality controll is done. This means, the earlier you submit, the sooner you get the notification!

  • After the deadline of June 30th, depending on the final workshop program, we will let you know whether your poster was chosen for the flash talk or not!

If you have any question, feel free to contact Rie Asano (rie.asano[*at*]!