Binghamton under 2 Degrees of Warming: The Science Behind Climate Change and our Emotions Surrounding It

When: September 27 (Wednesday), 6 - 7:30 p.m.

Where: ITC Symposium Hall, Innovative Technologies Complex (85 Murray Hill Rd, Vestal, NY)

Register here

Observations, Predictions and Reducing Uncertainty: Climate Change and Binghamton

Molly Patterson,  Associate Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences.Binghamton University

Panel Discussion

With Adriane Lam, a paleontologist, a paleoceanographer, and a science communicator, and Kirsten Prior, ecologist who studies biodiversity on a changing planet.

Moderated by Pamela Mischen, Professor of Environmental Studies, with research focused on local government capacity to create sustainable communities.

Writing Workshop on Personal Climate  Storytelling 

Leslie Heywood is Professor of Creative Writing and English, and is the Arts and Humanities Coordinator of Binghamton2Degrees.
