FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

Here is a list of questions we have either been asked by users or potential pitfalls we hope to help users avoid:

Q1: My ranking is not showing on leaderboards and Game?

A1: On an Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Games App (Available in Google Play Store).

Step 1: Go to Profile.

Step 2: Select Settings. 

Step 3: Under "Profile and privacy," choose who can view your activity: Everyone can see your game activity.

Q2: How do I accept a friend request on my game? 

A2: On an Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Games App (Available in Google Play Store).

Step 1: Go to Profile.

Step 2: Select Settings. 

Step 3: Under "Profile and privacy,"  Turn on Let others find your profile using your email address. 

Step 4: Under "Profile and privacy,"  Turn on Receive friend invites.

Step 5: Under "Profile and privacy,"  Turn on Games you play can automatically access your friends list - Yes.

Q3: Why my Achievements button is inactive?

A3: Sign in Google Play Games App (Available in Google Play Store) or  sign in with your Google account on game to activate Achievements. By signing in to a game with your Google account, you can:

# Participate in leaderboards.

# Earn achievements.

# Automatically save your game.

# Play games across Android phones or tablets.

# Play with others through multiplayer modes on mobile, tablet, and Android TV games.

# If a game has a sign-in button for Play Games, you can use your gamer name with that game.

Q4: How do you play games with friends?

A4: On an Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Games App (Available in Google Play Store).

Step 1: At the bottom, tap Profile.

Step 2: (Option 1) At the bottom, you'll find “Suggested friends from your contacts.” To invite a friend, tap Add friend 

Step 3: (Option 2) At the top, Search for players.  tap Add friend and invite them.

Step 4: (Option 3) Get a link to invite your friends.(Send Link to: Whatsup, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, Snapchat, Mail, Message, etc...)

Q5: Where do I check my ranking on leaderboards worldwide?

A5: On an Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Games App (Available in Google Play Store).

Step 1: Go to Profile.

Step 2: Select Settings. 

Step 3: Under "Profile and privacy," choose who can view your activity: Everyone can see your game activity.

Q6: Don't see your rank or score on the Game mode buttons?

A6: On an Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Games App (Available in Google Play Store).

Step 1: Go to Profile.

Step 2: Select Settings (Three dots on the top right corner). 

Step 3: Under "Profile and privacy," choose who can view your activity: Change "Only you can see your game activity" in to "Everyone can see your game activity".

Q7: Why my Leaderboard button is inactive?

A7: Sign in Google Play Games App (Available in Google Play Store)  or  sign in with your Google account on game to activate leaderboards.

By signing in to a game with your Google account, you can:

# Participate in leaderboards.

# Earn achievements.

# Save your game.

# Play games across Android phones or tablets.

# Play with others through multiplayer modes on mobile, tablet, and Android TV games.

# If a game has a sign-in button for Play Games, you can use your gamer name with that game.

Q8: Why Save game button is inactive or not saving?

A8: Sign in Google Play Games App (Available in Google Play Store)  or  sign in with your Google account on game to activate Save game button.

By signing in to a game with your Google account, you can:

# Manually save your game progress at any stage.

# Participate in leaderboards.

# Earn achievements.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or suggestions about our FAQs, please contact us at binnarybingogames@gmail.com