Research Laboratory for Surface Modification and Materials

Bi-min Zhang Newby, PhD


Associate Chair for Graduate Studies

Department of Chemical, Biomolecular, and Corrosion Engineering

The University of Akron

101A Whitby Hall

Akron, Ohio 44325-3906

Phone: 330-972-2510


Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering, 1999) Lehigh University

M.S. (Chemical Engineering, 1995) Lehigh University

B.S. (Chemical Engineering, 1993) Drexel University

This research lab at the University of Akron is directed by Dr. Bi-min Zhang Newby, Professor of Chemical, Biomolecular, and Corrosion Engineering Department. Dr. Zhang Newby joined the department in Fall 2000 after 2 years of post-doctoral research on polymer thin films at The University of Pennsylvania and earning her MS and PhD from Lehigh University ( under Professor Chaudhury) on interfacial phenomena relating to adhesion and friction.

We are exploring both applied and fundamental research in the areas of surface modification/patterning, interfacial phenomena, polymer thin films, antifouling, biocorrosion, biomaterial fabrication, hydrogel-based carrier designs, and wound repair. Many of the projects are inspired by natural products, stimuli responsive materials, and everyday naturally occurring phenomena. (Details on some of the projects are described in the Research tab and can be found from our publications.)

Research Funding