Click here for a note from our Policy Director, Mike McClellan

The 131st Maine Legislature officially concluded in April, and it is not expected to hold any special sessions between now and Nov. 5th, Election Day. The Christian Civic League of Maine will shift its focus to our Voter Guide project, providing helpful information regarding the upcoming elections.

 One way we communicate legislative details to you is through our Rapid Responders email. If you would like to join Rapid Responders, contact me (Policy Director Mike McClellan) at 329-6148 or

 In 2024, we hope to grow our Community Impact Teams (CIT), connecting the Church in a powerful and effective way. To learn more about CIT,  Click Here for an introduction.

The Christian Civic League urges you to get involved through prayer, participation, or even running for a local office. I am always available to connect with you. Stay informed! Check back here periodically for new posts. Visit our Facebook and Twitter accounts to view real-time information.

As always, please pray for our Governor, legislators, their staff, and families.

~ Mike McClellan

Maine Senate Contact Info

Maine Senate
3 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0003
Senate Phone: 207-287-1540
Senate Message Center: 1-800-423-6900
Legislature home page:
Maine Senate Members:

Maine House Contact Info

Maine House Contact Info
3 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0003
House Phone: 207-287-1400
House Message Center: 1-800-423-2900
Legislature home page:
House of Representative Members: 

Tracked Legislation--Check back for new bills in January 2024.

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