Maine Senate Contact Info

Maine Senate
3 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0003
Senate Phone: 207-287-1540
Senate Message Center: 1-800-423-6900
Legislature home page:
Maine Senate Members:

Maine House Contact Info

Maine House Contact Info
3 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0003
House Phone: 207-287-1400
House Message Center: 1-800-423-2900
Legislature home page:
House of Representative Members: 

LD 143 | Oppose

An Act to Improve Women's Health and Economic Security by Funding Family Planning Services

LD 174 | Support

An Act to Restore Religious Exemptions to Immunization Requirements

LD 194 | Oppose

An Act to Improve the Maine Unfair Trade Practices Act

LD 217 | Oppose

An Act to Require Schools to Provide Access to Free Condoms for Students
in Grades 9 to 12 in the School Nurse's Office

LD 233 | Support

An Act to Prohibit Biological Males from Participating in School Athletic Programs and Activities
Designated for Females When State Funding Is Provided to the School

LD 253 | Support

 An Act to Prevent the MaineCare Program from Covering Abortion Services

LD 260 | Oppose

RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to
Establish That All Maine Residents Have Equal Rights Under the Law

LD 335 | Oppose

An Act to Safeguard Reproductive Rights

LD 380 | Support

An Act to Amend Certain Laws Regarding Gender-affirming Health Care Services

LD 410 | Support

An Act to Require Parental Consent to Withhold Life-sustaining Measures for a
Minor or to Comply with a Do-not-resuscitate Order for a Minor

LD 492 | Support

Resolution, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Provide for Parental Rights

LD 613 | Oppose

An Act to Amend the Maine Death with Dignity Act to Ensure Access by Qualified Patients

LD 660 | Support

An Act to Provide Transparency and Public Access to Public School Curricula

LD 682 | Support

An Act to Amend Certain Laws Regarding Abortions

LD 727 | Support

An Act to Repeal Certain Immunization Requirements for Schools

LD 844 | Support

An Act to Regulate Social Media Use by Minors Under 16 Years of Age

LD 868| Support

An Act to Ensure Equity and Safety in Athletics, Restrooms, Changing Rooms
and Housing at Elementary, Secondary and Postsecondary Schools

LD 887 | Support

An Act to Make Manufacturers Responsible for Proper Disposal of Abortion Drugs and
Require a Health Care Provider to Be Physically Present During a Chemical Abortion

LD 927 | Support

An Act to Require Chaplains in School Administrative Units

LD 1007| Support

An Act to Update the State's Informed Consent Laws Regarding Drug-induced Abortion