How to design

Download Crystal Reports 8.5

Install Crystal Reports on your PC, When Prompted to enter serial no., refer to Serial.txt file in the same folder

Open your RPT file (Bill Format master design file) From Your Software Folder e.g. General.rpt

it will look something like this

Steps to design Bill format as per GST System

1) Add Database to Report

Add Database to Report

click Database Menu

Click on "Add Database to Report"

Goto More Data Sources

>> Active Data

>> Active Data (DAO)

Click + Sign as indicated in Picture

You will be prompted to Select a Database

Click Browse to select the database

Select Companies12.mdb File from the same folder where your software runs

Delete File Path from this dialogue box

Only Companies12.mdb should show here

as shown in the next image

You can See Companies12.mdb and a "dao" appear in the list

now Click on "Add"

Click "SQL"


Select * From Printing1

in the box given here

then click ok

Say "YES" to this warning

An Alias name will appear

Click OK

Notice a Tick mark on dao

Click on Close to Close this box

In Visual Linking Expert,

Click on Clear Links to delete the automatic linking between these tables.

a confirmation message will appear click on "Yes" to clear the link

Now create a link within 2 tables using N1 Key.

Drag N1 from "dao" and drop on N1 Field in "dao_1" table

Make sure a 2 sided arrow indicates a link between N1 and N1 fields within these 2 tables.

This step is very crucial and needs to be done carefully in order to avoid any data mismatch or values mismatch in report printing. so be 100% sure in this step

That's All we need to know about linking a database with our GST rpt file

Now you can see there are 2 recordsets in field objects list

click on Insert --> Field Objects

Fields related to GST will be available in dao_1 table

You can simply drag and drop dao_1 fields on your report as we do with dao fields already.

List of New GST related Fields in "dao_1"

T1 = Party's GST No.

T2 = Party's Adhar Card No.

T3 = Party's State Code

T4 = GetAccountField(GetID(cboPartyName), "ON1")

T5 = HSNCode

T6 = SGST%

T7 = SGST Amt.

T8 = CGST %

T9 = CGST Amt.

T10 = IGST %

T11 = IGST Amt

T12 = Tax Category (Goods / Service)

T13 = Additional Tax %

T14 = Additional Tax On

T15 = Additional Tax % (Divided by GST%)

T16 = Additional Tax Amount

M9 = Amount of GST in Words

T17 = Total Taxable Amount

T18 = Total Additional Tax Amt

T19 = Total GST Amount

N2 = SGST%

N3 = SGST Amt.

N4 = CGST %

N5 = CGST Amt.

N6 = IGST %

N7 = IGST Amt

N8 = Tax Category (Goods / Service)

N9 = Additional Tax %

N10 = Additional Tax On

N11 = Additional Tax Amount