Big Ideas in Dynamics and Geometry

A Hybrid Conference


The conference will take place at University of Illinois Chicago from September 27-29, in conjunction with the kickoff event for the fall semester of Big Ideas in Dynamics. The conference will be hybrid, and all talks will also be streamed for virtual participants. To register, please fill out this form by September 6th. For full funding consideration, please register and fill out the funding application by August 15th.

This conference is organized by Benjamin Call, Noelle Sawyer, and Laura Schaposnik and is supported in part by FRG grant 2152107 "Complex Lagrangians, Integrable Systems, and Quantization"

Schedule (Tentative)

As this also serves as a kickoff event for the Big Ideas in Dynamics fall semester, some talks (marked with a *) will be more expository in nature.


All talks in SEO 636

9-9:15am: Registration

9:15-10am: Warm-up Talk 1

10-11am: Jayadev Athreya*

11-11:30am:   Research Roundup

11:30-1pm: Lunch

1-1:45pm:   Warm-up Talk 2

1:45-2:45pm: Sarah Koch*

3-4pm: Colloquium


All talks in ARC 241

9-9:30am: Registration

9:30-10:30am: Talk 1

10:30-11am: Break

11-12pm: Talk 2  

12-1:30pm: Lunch

1:30-2:30pm:        Talk 3

3:30-4pm:             Break

4-5pm:          Lightning Talks               


All talks in ARC 241

9-10am: Talk 4

10-10:30am: Break

10:30-11:30am: Talk 5

11:30-12:30am: Talk 6