Above: Mark Jacobson, Bill McKibben, Mark Ruffalo, Bill Nye and Naomi Klein riding in their Big Green Taxi

Lyrics to Big Green Taxi

[double verse]

Miles and miles of nature’s scenery

Covered in solar panels as far as my eyes can see

From the oceans’ edges to the plains to the mountain tops

Wind turbines shoot up like weeds, choking earth’s garden plot


Don’t it always seem to go

That you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone

They take paradise, put up green energy (Shoo bop bop bop bop, Shoo bop bop bop bop)

[double verse]

Felling 5 million trees diminished Scotland’s charm

But they couldn’t let those trees steal wind from their wind farms

They cut down U.S. forests and pelletize the trees

Ship em’ all the way to Europe and burn them for green energy


Don’t it always seem to go

That you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone

They take paradise cut it down for green energy (Shoo bop bop bop bop, Shoo bop bop bop bop)

[double verse]

Wind turbines and solar thermal kill millions of bats and birds

Kill endangered tortoises and endangered raptors

Hydro power destroys entire natural habitats

But it makes green energy so what could be wrong with that?


Don’t it always seem to go

That you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone

They must sacrifice nature for green energy (Shoo bop bop bop bop,)


Millions of tons of toxic solar waste

Unending resource mining, giant toxic tailing lakes

All while they claim they’re making our energy clean

What can it mean when they say their energy is green

[double verse]

Big oil runs adds for wind and solar power

Because they’re unreliable day to day and hour to hour

And that locks in lots of natural gas revenue

Even though gas leaks are worse for the climate than CO2


Don’t it always seem to go

That you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone

They take paradise put up green energy (Shoo bop bop bop bop)

Cause they all hitched a ride on the same big green taxi (Shoo bop bop bop bop)

If only we could get them to rethink nuclear energy