CBD can treat seizures and epilepsy

CBD can treat seizures and epilepsy.

It is estimated that up to 5% of dogs have seizures.

Unfortunately, most dogs with seizures take medications such as phenobarbital and potassium bromide. While they can help control seizures, they can be extremely damaging to your dog's liver and other organs. And drugs don't work in all cases.

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CBD has been shown in studies to work well in drug-resistant epilepsy. In one study, 7 of 8 epilepsy patients who were drug resistant observed one within 4 to 5 months of taking CBD.

And a survey of children with drug-resistant epilepsy found that 84% of children taking CBD experienced a reduction in seizure frequency.

5. CBD relieves pain

CBD relieves dog pain

The cannabinoids in CBD work so well for pain relief that scientists are calling it a new class of drug for treating chronic pain. Studies show that CBD is very effective for:

Decrease pain (including neuropathy and nerve-related pain);

Decrease the impact of inflammation on oxidative stress (which causes degeneration and premature aging);

Decrease inflammation in acute pancreatitis;

Reduce inflammation in general;

Reduce intestinal inflammation (associated with irritable bowel disease).

6. CBD can help with inflammatory bowel disease

Animal studies show that they prevent colitis (IBD) and restore normal intestinal motility in inflammatory bowel disease

CBD also has antibiotic properties, including Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA).