What Does Scott Think?

  • Many people say they want someone honest. I am honest with someone I'm serious about dating etc. If I'm honest with most people it will take a bunch of time and usually bad feelings.
  • I see a lot of "God Fearing" listed about wanted attributes. I am not a Christian. I am not a Monotheist. I am an Animist. I believe that the holy is all the world. And I don't fear.
    • I used to do weddings for friends back home in San Francisco, and am starting up to do so again, mostly for non-traditionals. See EasyOfficiant.
    • Am also working to build some community around the non-Monotheists. Just some thoughts now. Will see if goes anywhere. See AnimistMinistry.
  • I said I don't fear above. Not completely true. I am starting to be afraid of the majority of americans who believe in the same faith and god head, have most of the power, money, people, votes, voters, but are acting like they are being oppressed. When the dominant majority is acting like an oppressed minority, I figure that they are waiting for a Fascist Leader to come along and tell them they are right. So I am afraid of American Christians. Y'all are cray cray.
    • But then, so am I.
  • Maryland doesn't scare me so much as make me sick. Look, there are bigots everywhere. It is hard to fathom the "color-blindness" that many people claim. But there is something about the racism in Maryland I have never seen anywhere else. I have heard "I am not a racist, but THEY..." many times here. Before I instituted my rule of hitting people who show their bigotry directly to me, I heard more "What do you call 100,000 (NWord) at the bottom of the ocean?" kind of jokes than anywhere but small town New Hampshire.
    • I think it is the mix of Denial of Bigotry and Bigotry that really messes with my head about this place.
    • My current theory is that it is the slave state that didn't secede (Because DC had a gun to it's head) at civil war. As such, it didn't go through any "Reconstruction". Reconstruction should have been a great deal more, longer harder for the secessionist states and peoples. But even the minimal that happened didn't touch Maryland. As such, in Maryland whitey never had a boot on his/her/its neck, even for a moment. Sherman's march to the sea wasn't close enough to scare them. They never had the needed character adjustment even attempted on them.
  • Imagine if every time a cop walked up to the window of a car they pulled over they knew that there was a decent chance they were being recorded in color and with really good audio, and it was all going to the cloud and available online streaming live. Think they might act differently? This could be done fairly inexpensively (at least for those who use Android phones). Anyone with resources has questions about this, wants to see the proposal, let me know.
  • Cops
    • Of course blue lives matter. All Lives Matter
    • Being a cop is not terribly dangerous given how much they are paid. Just look at Department of Labor website for stats on dangerous work
    • Cops often point to the incredible danger they are in when they walk up to a car they have pulled over. And they show stats that say that such activity leads to relatively more injuries and deaths. But they don't break out the injuries and deaths caused by walking at edge of or slightly in the far right lane of traffic. So they act in ways to make people hate them, they park partway into traffic much of the time further irritating people, and then they walk where anyone who doesn't like cops has total deniability if they bump them with their car. Until they change this basic piece, don't believe anything they say about having a dangerous job.
    • Anytime you hear a cop say that they performed an action "based on my training and experience", and the action was at all questionable, call bullshit on whatever the action was. Ask when they had the experience that told them to shoot/raid, break, choke, etc. Ask for the paperwork of the incident they site as their experience. And then ask them what part of the curriculum directed them to do this. Almost always one or the other if not both are BS. "Based on my Training and Experience" is one of the first things taught cops in the academy. Is in reports and testimony and statements to the press.
    • Any cop who covers up one of their co worker's unethical, much less unlawful, behavior needs to be fired and imprisoned. Only then will they stop covering.
    • Almost all cops deface our flag. Anytime you see our flag with a light blue stripe in front of it, that is a defacement of our flag.