Howard's Escapades (in depth)

Howards Escapades is a Splace made by BAWES that has got a large amount of information to unpack. So, we interviewed BAWES himself.

It starts out with a Dancing alien, Howard the Alien (who we will refer to as Howard). As BAWES says, there is no significant meaning of him, besides the ability to transcend all realities, and replace himself as the main character. There is also a song playing in the background. It is the original song, "Mo Bamba". In the plotline, Howard becomes lonely, and transcends reality to become relevant again after about four years of being a "dead meme". Howard is in several movies and tv show's iconic scenes, replacing the main character with an image of himself. In the Bald scene (taken from an old video by the internet group "Smosh"), there is no Howard, we to this day have no idea why there is no Howard, as BAWES didnt say much about it (mainly because i forgot to ask). The meaning of the overlayed BAWES Voice Over is unknown, according to BAWES his team of writers made the script and theme just minutes before recording. As you watch the Smosh scene, you may notice a few things. There are occasionaly random sound affects in the background. According to BAWES this stems from the inspiration acquired from "Ghetto Smosh" a Smosh parody group. BAWES doesn't have a reason for why this was the Smosh video he decided to Parody, it is the "one that came first to mind". You also may notice that there are a lot of methamphetamine references in this parody. Once again, the theme was thought of on the fly, but it still has significant plot relevance. Such as the friendship necklaces that you can see thrown on the ground by the two actors, who we know as "Anthony Padilla" and "Ian Hecox". In the parody there is a significance to these necklaces, they are meant to signify the two costars long time relationships as methamphetamine partners, this relationship to be broken by their differences. As you may notice while watching, Gustavo Fring (also know as Gus Fring) is a character from the hit netflix series "Breaking Bad", and would not logically be a part of the Smosh Cintematic Universe. A call back to the interdimensional travel that Howard can conduct. According to BAWES, "Howard the Alien met with Gus Fring which caused meth to become much more widespread,". This answers are inquiry about why methamphetamine, a largely illegal and deadly drug, is such an important piece of this parody. In the next scene, we see the intros to multiple episodes of a popular YouTube series, "Epic Rap Battles Of History" in which two celebrities freestyle a rap against the other in an attempt to beat the other. Although this is no regular ERBOH, it is chaos, and is meant to signify it. As several ERBOH play in the background, you are unable to decipher what is being said. When asked about the reason for the chaos, BAWES says the following "*(The reason for the chaos in the Epic Rap Battles of History scene is)to parody how overstimulation has become much more mainstream on the internet, which is the reason there were multiple rap battles overlaying each other,". As we continue through the video, the ERBOH scene suddenly ends, bringing us back to where we started, Howard. Howard is doing his infamous dance, as you hear BAWES voice over it, saying the most odd lyrics that were "supposed to be bullshit and nonsensical". According to BAWES, "I wanted Howard to diss everyone that participated in the rap battle," most likely due to the contribution to overstimulation being more mainstream on the internet.

If you would like to watch Howard's Escapades, you can watch it Here