
Greetings! Todd C (WTIC Promoter) here with another batch of wrestling cards and a new federation for your enjoyment!

As a big fan of The Big Bang Theory, I've always wanted to do up some wrestling cards for the characters based on the Filsinger Games card game, so here we are! Enjoy, and share this site with your friends! Continue reading below for the set-up of how this works in the contents of the show:

Hello, Stuart Bloom here.

I run the comic book shop here in Pasadena CA. It's a bit slow today, as it is every day, so I put my mind to creating a federation in which the people that I know are in the game. These people are some of my best customers and they may even toss a storyline or two at me.

Filsinger Games is one of my best sellers in my comic book shop, so I decided to write up some playing cards and play out a league with the cards. These people usually come in and complain about what's going on in their lives, so I figured it was a good source for writing material, I will let you be the judge. I hope you like the matches! I've put a lot of time into creating and writing this stuff!

Anyway, that's my comic book shop in the photo at the bottom. A little plain, I know. But we renovated recently and it looks tons better! Come stop by (and BUY SOMETHING) when you are in downtown Pasadena, okay? -- Stuart Bloom