
Duck Hunt Privacy policy

Privacy Policy for VR Duck Hunt Game

Welcome to VR Duck Hunt, where the only thing we're hunting is nostalgia, not your personal data! Here's a brief overview of our privacy policy, as straightforward as pulling the trigger.

1. No Collection of Personal Data:

We're as disinterested in data as the ducks in our game are in personal information. No user data is collected, stored, or exploited in VR Duck Hunt. You can hunt with peace of mind, without worrying about ending up in a data nest.

2. Zero Game History:

Unlike the number of ducks you shoot in the game, our system keeps no trace of your game history. Once the game is over, it's as if it never existed. Discretion is our best asset, much like in a silent duck hunt.

3. Ducks Don't Care:

Our virtual ducks have no interest in your personal information. They're too busy dodging your skillful shots and gracefully flying in the virtual sky. In other words, our ducks aren't intelligence agents – they prefer the freedom of the sky to the burden of data.

Note: This privacy policy is as light as the feathers of our ducks – no headaches here!