Bichon Maltese: What Is It?

Its elegant bearing makes the Maltese Bichon a very prominent breed in dog shows. It is, however, a very intelligent, docile, and extremely affectionate pet that is ideal for living in small spaces, such as apartments or studios, because of its small size.

It's no wonder that both children and adults love dogs as companions.

In search of food, wild wolves got used to man's presence millions of years ago, thereby creating the bond between dog and man. In the course of the years, and through crosses, there have now been hundreds of breeds of domestic dogs, each with its own characteristics and needs.

Bichons are one of the most well-known and appreciated dog breeds in the world. Its fur gives this name multiple variations. The fact that it is so popular is not surprising considering that a companion dog of this sort is usually a small, easy-to-train, playful animal.

One of the most popular Bichon breeds is the Maltese, puppies for sale near me which, as well as being a show dog, has several qualities that make it ideal as a pet.

In order to be able to more easily identify this breed, it would be helpful to briefly learn about the characteristics of the other versions of the breed:

A Maltese Bichon is one of the smallest and most popular breeds, with representatives that weigh no more than 3 kilograms and have soft and silky coats.

In addition to its Belgian roots, the Bichon originates mainly from France. It is necessary to pay careful attention to the curly and quite leafy hair of the Frise. In spite of this, it is one of the most affectionate and playful dogs among the Bichon breeds.

It is named after Bologna, where it was a particularly popular breed during the Renaissance. It is considered the European Maltese Bichon, being a descendant of the Maltese. It is miniature in size, measuring between 30 centimeters to 40 centimeters in height and weighs about 4 kilograms.

Originally from Europe, particularly Spain and Italy, this breed has undergone the most breedings to develop its characteristics. In some cases, german shepherd puppies for sale near me it is also called the Long-Haired Maltese Bichon because of its shaggy coat, usually in shades of white, black, and gray. On the other hand, he is very energetic, playful, and protective for the same reason.

Due to their attractiveness as pets, we are drawn to discuss in detail the characteristics of Maltese Bichons. American and European dogs are grouped under this breed.

The American Maltese Bichon, also known as a Toy Maltese Bichon, falls under the FCI standard, which is also applied in Europe, requiring a weight of 3 to 4 kilograms which corresponds to 30 centimeters in height. Despite its white fur, its tail should fall in one curve over its back.

As for the European Maltese Bichon, it is quite similar to the American, except that it is larger and has a longer snout. However, it's important to note that these sorts of Bichons share the same breed, only that they meet the requirements of the respective cataloging organizations. This applies also to the Korean Maltese Bichon, also known as the Mini Maltese Bichon, which is smaller and lighter than its American and European cousins.

Maltese Bichons have a temperament that tends to be playful, docile and energetic, which is why they get along well with children and other dogs. In addition, if you are concerned about grooming, you may want to choose a short-haired Maltese Bichon.

His distrustfulness, however, also causes him to react defensively against anyone outside of his family circle, especially strangers. It is important to educate him in this way, shih tzu puppies for sale near me since he can quickly learn who to bark at and who not to bark at.

Based on the requirements for dog food (if you click here, several options will appear), especially in the case of the Maltese Bichon, it has a fast metabolic rate, that allows it to eat several times a day. day. Keeping the portions small will prevent you from getting overweight, however.

A Maltese Bichon's diet should also contain elements rich in nutrients that are beneficial for the development and treatment of one of its most notable physical characteristics: its fur.

Maltese Bichon puppies, like Maltese Bichon adults, require special attention to their coats, which is why they are recommended to be brushed frequently to prevent knots. Moreover, you need to be very punctual with his visits to the hairdresser, cleaning his ears, and vet appointments.

The Maltese Bichon, however, has a life expectancy of approximately 12 years when provided with a healthy diet, constant exercise and a pleasant environment that is stimulating.