Our five “Pillars”:
(1) Unity in Diversity
(2) Prayer and Mission
(3) Quality Bible Teaching
(4) Incarnational Love
(5) Service to a Community in Need

Programme for the Year 2017.pdf

Scroll through the above for an overview of the year's programme or expand on the individual sections below:

Introducing this Year’s Theme

The Pillars in God's New Temple
Eph 2:19 – 22; 1 Pet 2:4 – 10; 1 Tim 3:14 – 16 [1 Tim 3:15]
Teaching notes
Home group discussion questions
Home group discussion questions (Alternative)
Home group prompt sheet

Prayer and Mission: Great Prayers for Mission

Unity and Diversity: Peace for a Purpose in the Life of the Church

Quality Bible Teaching: Encouragement for a Young Church (1 Thessalonians)

Faith, Love & Hope
1 Thess 1:1 – 10 [1 Thess 1:2 – 3]
Teaching notes
Home group discussion questions
Home group discussion questions (Alternative)

God’s Caring and Encouraging Word
1 Thess 2:1 – 16 [1 Thess 2:11 – 13]
Teaching notes
Home group discussion questions
Home group discussion questions (Alternative)

Stand Firm in the Lord
1 Thess 2:17 – 3:13 [1 Thess 3:7 – 9]
Teaching notes
Home group discussion questions
Home group discussion questions (Alternative)

Live a Holy Life
1 Thess 4:1 – 12 [Rom 12:1 – 2]
Teaching notes
Home group discussion questions
Home group discussion questions (Alternative)

With the Lord for Ever
1 Thess 4:13 – 5:11 [Phil 3:20 – 21]
Teaching notes
Home group discussion questions
Home group discussion questions (Alternative)

Live in Peace with One Another
1 Thess 5:12 – 25 [1 Thess 5:15 – 18]
Teaching notes
Home group discussion questions
Home group discussion questions (Alternative)

Service to a Community in Need: Naomi, Ruth & Provisions of the Law

Care for Foreigners, Widows and Orphans
Ruth 1:1 – 22; Deut 10:12 – 22 [Deut 10:17 – 18]
Teaching notes
Home group discussion questions
Home group discussion questions (Alternative)

Share the Harvest
Ruth 2:1 – 23; Deut 24:17 – 22 [Lev 19:33]
Teaching notes
Home group discussion questions
Home group discussion questions (Alternative)

Your Joy will be Complete
Ruth 3:1 – 18; Deut 16:8 – 17 [Deut 16:14 – 15]
Teaching notes
Home group discussion questions
Home group discussion questions (Alternative)

Celebrate God’s Goodness
Ruth 4:1 – 22; Lev 25:23 – 28 [Psalm 5:11 – 12]
Teaching notes
Home group discussion questions
Home group discussion questions (Alternative)

Incarnational Love (2) in the Christmas Story

Preparing the Way
Luke 1:5 – 25, 57 – 80 [Luke 1:76 – 79]
Teaching notes

A Son will be Born
Luke 1:26 – 56 [Luke 1:31 – 33]
Teaching notes

The Saviour is Given
Luke 2:1 – 20 [Luke 2:10 – 11]
Teaching notes

Seeing God’s Salvation
Luke 2:21 – 40 [Luke 2: 30 – 32]
Teaching notes

Additional Home Group Topics: Blessings and Tensions in Families

Blessings and Tensions in Families 1
Genesis 25: 19 – 34
Home group discussion questions
Home group discussion questions (Alternative)

Blessings and Tensions in Families 2
Genesis 26: 34 – 27: 41
Home group discussion questions
Home group discussion questions (Alternative)

Blessings and Tensions in Families 3
Genesis 27: 42 – 28: 5; 28: 10 – 22
Home group discussion questions
Home group discussion questions (Alternative)