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The Bible in a Year Study Guide
Bible in a Year
La Biblia en un Año
Daily Notes
Dustin's Daily Notes
Table of Contents
January (Day 1-31)
Era 1: Early World
Day 1: In the Beginning
Day 2: The Fall of Adam and Eve
Day 3: Noah’s Ark
Day 4: The Flood
Day 5: Tower of Babel
Era 2: The Patriarchs
Day 6: Trust in the Lord
Day 7: God’s Covenant with Abram
Day 8: The Surrender of Abraham
Day 9: Sodom and Gomorrah
Day 10: Hagar and Ishmael
Day 11:The Sacrifice of Isaac
Day 12: Isaac and Rebekah
Day 13: Esau Sells His Birthright
Day 14: Isaac Blesses Jacob
Day 15: Leah Feels Unloved
Day 16: The Suffering of Job
Day 17: Jacob Meets Esau
Day 18: The Heart of Israel
Day 19: Joseph and his Brothers
Day 20: Judah and Tamar
Day 21: Walking with God
Day 22: Go to Joseph
Day 23: Judah Changes
Day 24: Tears of Joy
Day 25: Job’s Questioning
Day 26: God Responds to Job
Era 3: Egypt and the Exodus
Day 27: The Birth of Moses
Day 28: The Burning Bush
Day 29: Moses Returns to Egypt
Day 30: Nile Turned to Blood
Day 31: Frogs, Gnats, and Flies
February (Day 32-59)
Day 32: Cattle, Boils, and Hail
Day 33: Locusts, Darkness, and Death of the First Born
Day 34: The Passover Instituted
Day 35: Crossing the Red Sea
Day 36: Manna from Heaven
Day 37: The Mystical Works of God
Day 38: The Ten Commandments
Day 39: Slavery in the Old Testament
Day 40: Laws of Justice
Day 41: The Day of Atonement
Day 42: Moral Laws
Day 43: The Ark of the Covenant
Day 44: Priestly Garments
Day 45: Pray for Priests
Day 46: Set Apart for God
Day 47: The Golden Calf
Day 48: God's Presence
Day 49: The Year of Jubilee
Day 50: Sacrificial Offerings
Day 51: Israel's Worship of God
Era 4: Desert Wanderings
Day 52: Israel Continues to Journey
Day 53: The Twelve Tribes of Israel
Day 54: The Tribe of Levi
Day 55: Obedience to God
Day 56: Jealous Husbands
Day 57: Hear, O Israel
Day 58: A Chosen People
Day 59: Obligations to God
March (Day 60-90)
Day 60: Intercessory Prayer
Day 61: Complaining in the Desert
Day 62: Spies Sent to Canaan
Day 63: Israel's Rebellion
Day 64: Consequences of Sin
Day 65: Revolt Against Moses
Day 66: Forbidden Forms of Worship
Day 67: God's Justice and Refuge
Day 68: The Waters of Meribah
Day 69: The Bronze Serpent
Day 70: The Offense of Balaam
Day 71: The Source of the Law
Day 72: The Plains of Moab
Day 73: Inheritance of Land
Day 74: Joshua Appointed
Day 75: The Keeping of Vows
Day 76: War Against Midian
Day 77: God is Faithful
Day 78: The Song of Moses
Day 79: Psalms of Ascent
Day 80: Cities of Refuge
Era 5: Conquest and Judges
Day 81: Israel Crosses the Jordan
Day 82: The Valley of Achor
Day 83: The Gibeonite Trickery
Day 84: The Sun Stands Still
Day 85: Fighting for Each Other
Day 86: The Real Presence of God
Day 87: God Keeps His Promises
Day 88: Joshua's Last Words to Israel
Day 89: Israel's Cycle of Disobedience
Day 90: Ruth and Boaz
April (Day 91-120)
Day 91: Gideon's Story
Day 92: Jephthah's Vow
Day 93: Strengths and Weaknesses
Day 94: Samson and Delilah
Day 95: The Sin of Benjamin
Day 96: Hannah's Prayer
Day 97: Samuel's Prophecy
Day 98: Israel Asks for a King
Messianic Checkpoint: The Gospel of John
Day 99: The Word Became Flesh
Day 100: This Is My Body
Day 101: Signs and Wonders
Day 102: The Death of Lazarus
Day 103: Judas' Secrecy
Day 104: The Priestly Prayer of Jesus
Day 105: It Is Finished
Era 6: Royal Kingdom
Day 106: Saul Is Chosen
Day 107: Samuel's Speech
Day 108: Saul's Vanity
Day 109: A Heart of Obedience
Day 110: David and Goliath
Day 111: Saul Tries to Kill David
Day 112: True Friendship
Day 113: Broken Trust
Day 114: David Saves Keilah
Day 115: King Saul is Spared
Day 116: David and Abigail
Day 117: Reverence and Faithfulness
Day 118: King Saul Despairs
Day 119: David's Wisdom
Day 120: David Mourns Saul
May (Day 121-151)
Day 121: Cycle of Violence
Day 122: Abner Is Killed
Day 123: The Death of Ish-bosheth
Day 124: King David Rules
Day 125: Covenant with David
Day 126: David's Victories
Day 127: Kindness for the House of Saul
Day 128: Mighty Men of Valor
Day 129: David Commits Adultery
Day 130: Nathan Condemns David
Day 131: Hope for the Future
Day 132: David and Absalom
Day 133: Persevering in Trust
Day 134: Devastating Effects of Sin
Day 135: The Counsel of Hushai
Day 136: Absalom Is Defeated
Day 137: David Mourns Absalom
Day 138: The Effect of Sin on Others
Day 139: Reparation to the Gibeonites
Day 140: David's Prayer of Thanksgiving
Day 141: The Life of David
Day 142: Whole and Joyful Hearts
Day 143: Solomon Asks for Wisdom
Day 144: David's Last Words
Day 145: Solomon Builds the Temple
Day 146: The Universal Church
Day 147: Temple Worship
Day 148: Solomon's Wealth
Day 149: All Is Vanity
Day 150: The Dedication of the Temple
Day 151: Wisdom and Folly
June (Day 152-181)
Day 152: Being Forgotten
Day 153: The Decline of Solomon
Messianic Checkpoint: The Gospel of Mark
Day 154: The Baptism of Jesus
Day 155: Jesus is Lord
Day 156: Jesus Casts Out Demons
Day 157: Following Jesus
Day 158: The Reality of Sin
Day 159: Bearing Fruit
Day 160: Jesus Warns the People
Day 161: The Crucifixion of Christ
Era 7: Divided Kingdom
Day 162: Rehobo′am Seeks Counsel
Day 163: Faith Over Success
Day 164: Tearing Down Idols
Day 165: The Lover and the Beloved
Day 166: Responding in Faith
Day 167: Viaticum
Day 168: Wicked Kings
Day 169: Joash Is Crowned
Day 170: Joash's Downfall
Day 171: Elijah and Elisha
Day 172: Uzziah's Pride
Day 173: Confidence in God
Day 174: The Prophet Hosea
Day 175: Knowledge of God
Day 176: Choosing Eternal Life
Day 177: Return, O Israel
Day 178: Called Back
Day 179: Blinded by Comfort
Day 180: Giving Time to God
Day 181: Jonah and the Whale
July (Day 182-212)
Day 182: The Inescapable God
Day 183: Israel Falls to Assyria
Era 8: Exile
Day 184: Hezekiah Reigns
Day 185: Hezekiah's Prayer
Day 186: Struggles with Self-Interest
Day 187: Praying for Time
Day 188: The Book of the Law
Day 189: Follow the Lord
Day 190: Judah is Overrun
Day 191: The Babylonian Exile
Day 192: The Prophet Isaiah
Day 193: The Book of Tobit
Day 194: Holy is the Lord
Day 195: Tobias and Sarah Pray
Day 196: The Destruction of Israel
Day 197: Woe and Consolation
Day 198: The Day of the Lord
Day 199: Times for War
Day 200: Egypt, Assyria, and Israel
Day 201: Keys to the Kingdom
Day 202: God's Judgment
Day 203: Rejoice in the Lord
Day 204: Zephaniah's Warnings
Day 205: Promise to Zion
Day 206: The Book of Baruch
Day 207: The Lord Will Come
Day 208: The Futility of Idols
Day 209: God Comforts His People
Day 210: Speaking God's Word
Day 211: Called By Name
Day 212: God's Instrument
August (Day 213-243)
Day 213: The Redeemer
Day 214: The Hidden Glory of God
Day 215: False Prophets
Day 216: The Suffering Servant
Day 217: The Everlasting Covenant
Day 218: Each Will Be Judged
Day 219: Separation from God
Day 220: Prophecy Fulfilled
Day 221: Walking with Wise Men
Day 222: Idolatry and Adultery
Day 223: Responding Well
Day 224: The Weeping Prophet
Day 225: Our Will vs. God's Will
Day 226: Unfaithful Israel
Day 227: The Towering Cedar
Day 228: The Watchman's Duty
Day 229: Shepherds of Israel
Day 230: A New Heart
Day 231: The Valley of Dry Bones
Day 232: Glory in Knowing God
Day 233: Correct Me, O Lord
Day 234: Jeremiah Complains
Day 235: Lying Prophets
Day 236: Rich in Love
Day 237: Water from the Temple
Day 238: Fall of Jerusalem
Day 239: Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah
Day 240: Remaining Humble
Day 241: Daniel and the Den of Lions
Day 242: King Nebuchadnezzar's Role
Day 243: The Lord's Plans
September (Day 244-273)
Day 244: Susanna's Righteousness
Day 245: The Faithfulness of Daniel
Day 246: Rejoice in Doing Good
Day 247: True Repentance
Day 248: Cut to the Heart
Day 249: Prayer of Judith
Day 250: Final Wave of Exile
Day 251: Judith and Holofernes
Day 252: Queen of Heaven
Day 253: Lamentations of Jeremiah
Day 254: Judgment of Nations
Day 255: God is Good
Day 256: Hard Seasons
Day 257: Choose to Love
Messianic Checkpoint: The Gospel of Matthew
Day 258: The Kingdom is Here
Day 259: The Sermon on the Mount
Day 260: Carrying the Cross
Day 261: Ornate Souls
Day 262: Miracle Worker
Day 263: The Father's Generosity
Day 264: Preaching Without Practice
Day 265: Sins of Omission
Day 266: Son of the Father
Era 9: Return
Day 267: Indifference and Apathy
Day 268: Rebuilding the Temple
Day 269: The Day of Small Things
Day 270: God's Favor with Ezra
Day 271: Israel's Foreign Wives
Day 272: The Call of Nehemiah
Day 273: The Lord's Work
October (Day 274-304)
Day 274: Perseverance in Opposition
Day 275: Esther Becomes Queen
Day 276: Haman's Plan
Day 277: Such a Time as This
Day 278: Power in Weakness
Day 279: Blessings and Burdens
Day 280: The People of the Covenant
Day 281: Good and Evil
Era 10: Maccabean Revolt
Day 282: Antiochus Desecrates the Temple
Day 283: Mattathias Attacks
Day 284: Near Occasion of Sin
Day 285: Story of Hanukkah
Day 286: The Battle to Choose God
Day 287: Eleazar's Sacrifice
Day 288: Battling Against Gossip
Day 289: Wise Influences
Day 290: Judas Maccabeus Dies
Day 291: The Rise of King Alexander
Day 292: The Power of Words
Day 293: Discipline Grounded in Love
Day 294: Judea Gains Independence
Day 295: Israel's Expectations
Day 296: Know Your Heart
Day 297: Using Good Things for Evil
Day 298: The Gift of Life
Day 299: Jeremiah Hides the Ark
Day 300: Conversion of Heart
Day 301: Rising Again
Day 302: The Pursuit of Wisdom
Day 303: Eleazar's Martyrdom
Day 304: Life Beyond Death
November (Day 305-334)
Day 305: The Defender
Day 306: Wisdom Is Beautiful
Day 307: Courage in Battle
Day 308: Little by Little
Day 309: Praying for the Dead
Day 310: Rivals for the Heart
Day 311: God Fights for You
Day 312: Conclusion to the Old Testament
Era 11: Messianic Fulfillment
Day 313: The Ark of the New Covenant
Day 314: My Beloved Son
Day 315: The Virtue of Mercy
Day 316: Absolute Surrender
Day 317: Persistence in Prayer
Day 318: The Narrow Gate, the Lost Sheep, and the Prodigal Son
Day 319: Come, Follow Me
Day 320: Peter's Denial Foretold
Day 321: Jesus' Prayer in the Garden
Era 12: The Church
Day 322: The Ascension
Day 323: Pentecost
Day 324: The Name of Jesus
Day 325: Boldness in Faith
Day 326: Life in the Spirit
Day 327: Origin of the Diaconate
Day 328: Stephen Is Martyred
Day 329: The Ethiopian Eunuch
Day 330: Saul's Conversion
Day 331: Peter Preaches to the Gentiles
Day 332: Barnabas and Paul's Mission
Day 333: Peter Is Rescued from Prison
Day 334: The Meaning of Fasting
December (Day 335-365)
Day 335: Run the Race
Day 336: The Council at Jerusalem
Day 337: The Importance of Love
Day 338: Death Defeated
Day 339: Priscilla and Aquila
Day 340: The Power of the Holy Spirit
Day 341: Eternal Weight of Glory
Day 342: Generous Hearts
Day 343: God Uses Paul's Past
Day 344: The Thorn in Paul's Side
Day 345: One in Christ
Day 346: Fruits of the Spirit
Day 347: Witness to Unbelievers
Day 348: Rules for the New Life
Day 349: Holy Indifference
Day 350: Faith and Works
Day 351: Draw Near to God
Day 352: Purified by Fire
Day 353: Sharing the Gospel
Day 354: Partakers of the Divine Nature
Day 355: The Things of This World
Day 356: God Is Love
Day 357: Truth and Love
Day 358: From Rebellion to Faithfulness
Day 359: John's Apocalypse
Day 360: Heavenly Worship
Day 361: Judgment and Repentance
Day 362: The Woman Clothed with the Sun
Day 363: The New Covenant Priesthood
Day 364: Christ's Sacrifice Once for All
Day 365: The Beginning and the End
Notas diarias
Enero (Día 1-31)
Periodo 1: El mundo de los origenes
Día 1: En el Principio
Día 2: La Caída de Adán y Eva
Día 3: El arca de Noé
Día 4: El Diluvio
Día 5: Torre de babel
Periodo 2: los Patriarcas
Día 6: Confía en el Señor
Día 7: La alianza de Dios con Abrán
Día 8: La Entrega de Abrahán
Día 9: Sodoma y Gomorra
Día 10: Agar e Ismael
Día 11: El sacrificio de Isaac
Día 12: Isaac y Rebeca
Día 13: Esaú vende su primogenitura
Día 14: Isaac bendice a Jacob
Día 15: Las mujeres de Jacob
Día 16: Dios cambia el nombre de Jacob a Israel
Día 17: Esaú sale al encuentro de Jacob
Día 18: El corazón de Israel
Día 19: José y sus hermanos
Día 20: Judá y Tamar
Día 21: José es encarcelado a causa de una injusticia
Día 22: José es nombrado Primer Ministro
Día 23: Judá se sacrifica por Benjamín
Día 24: Lágrimas de alegría
Día 25: Israel bendice a Efraín y Manasés
Día 26: Últimas palabras y muerte de Israel
Periodo 3: Egipto y el Éxodo
Día 27: Nacimiento de Moisés
Día 28: Dios revela su nombre
Día 29: Moisés regresa a Egipto
Día 30: Dios convierte el río en sangre
Día 31: Dios envía las ranas, los mosquitos y los tábanos
Febrero (Día 32-59)
Día 32: Muerte al ganado, úlceras y granizo
Día 33: Langostas y tinieblas
Día 34: Institución de la Pascua
Día 35: Dios parte el mar y derrota al faraón
Día 36: Dios provee maná del cielo
Día 37: Dios socorre a Israel contra Amalec
Día 38: Decreto de los diez mandamientos
Día 39: Esclavitud en el viejo testamento
Día 40:Leyes para la justicia
Día 41: Justicia con los enemigos
Día 42: La sangre de la Alianza
Día 43: El Arca de la Alianza
Día 44: Las vestimentas sacerdotales
Día 45: Consagración de Aarón
Día 46: El Óleo de la Unción
Día 47: El becerro de oro
Día 48: Moisés conoce la presencia de Yahvé
Día 49: El tabernáculo
Día 50: Finaliza la construcción del tabernáculo
Día 51: Las vestimentas del sumo sacerdote
Periodo 4: La peregrinación por el desierto
Día 52: El censo de Israel
Día 53: Las Doce Tribus de Israel
Día 54: La Tribu de Levi
Día 55: Responsabilidades de los clanes levitas
Día 56: El rito de los celos
Día 57: Voto de nazireo
Día 58: Ofrenda de dedicación
Día 59: Tiempos de trabajo para Yahvé
Marzo (Día 60-90)
Día 60: Las trompetas de Israel
Día 61: Yahvé manda su fuego contra Israel
Día 62: Espías de Israel en Canaán
Día 63: Israel se rebelá contra Moisés
Día 64: Castigo por violar sabbat
Día 65: Israel se levanta contra Moisés y Aarón
Día 66: Yahvé manda plaga contra Israel
Día 67: Justicia y refugio de Dios
Día 68: Las aguas de Meribá
Día 69: La serpiente de bronce
Día 70: La burra de Balaán
Día 71: Balac insiste en maldecir a Israel
Día 72: Balaán bendice a Israel
Día 73: Censo de las casas patriarcales
Día 74: La herencia de las hijas de Israel
Día 75: El cumplimiento de los votos
Día 76: Guerra Santa contra Madián
Día 77: Josué sucede a Moisés como líder
Día 78: Cántico de Moisés
Día 79: Bendición final de Moisés
Día 80: Muerte de Moisés
Día 81: Las aguas del Jordán se abren
Día 82: Yahvé entrega Jericó a Israel
Día 83: Emboscada contra Ay
Día 84: Guerra contra los reyes del norte y sur
Día 85: Repartición de la tierra por conquistar
Día 86: Las demás tribus de Israel
Día 87: Yahvé cumple sus promesas
Día 88: Muerte de Josué
Día 89: Israel se aparta de Yahvé
Día 90: Barac y Débora
Abril (91-120)
Día 91: Gedeón y Abimélec
Día 92: Jefté y los jueces menores
Día 93: Sansón
Día 94: Sansón y Dalila
Día 95: El crimen de Guibeá
Día 96: Samuel
Día 97: Iniquidad de los hijos de Elí
Día 98: Institución de la monarquía en Israel
Punto de control mesiánico: introducción al evangelio de Juan
Día 99: Y la Palabra se hizo carne
Día 100: Jesús, el agua viva y pan de vida eterna
Día 101: Jesús, luz del mundo
Día 102: Jesús sale al encuentro de su amigo Lázaro
Día 103: Ámense los unos a los otros
Día 103: Ámense los unos a los otros
Día 104: Traición de Judas Iscariote
Día 105: Jesús vence a la muerte y el pecado
Periodo 6: Introducción a la monarquía unida
Día 106: Saúl es elegido rey de Israel
Día 107: Samuel se hace a un lado
Día 108: Jonatán vence a los filisteos
Día 109: David, el elegido de Yahvé
Día 110: David contra Goliat
Día 111: Saúl envidia a David y ordena su muerte
Día 112: Pacto de amistad
Día 113: Saúl mata sacerdotes de Yahvé
Día 114: David salva a Queilá
Día 115: David le perdona la vida a Saúl
Día 116: Abigail teme a Yahvé y salva a su casa
Día 117: David perdona a Saúl por segunda vez
Día 118: David se alía con los filisteos
Día 119: Muerte de Saúl
Día 120: David lamenta a Saúl y Jonatán
Mayo (121-151)
Día 121: Guerra entre Judá e Israel
Día 122: Asesinato de Abner
Día 123: La muerte de Mefibóset
Día 124: David reina
Día 125: Alianza de Dios con David
Día 126: Victorias de David
Día 127: David cumple su promesa a Jonatán
Día 128: Vcitoria sobre los arameos y los amonitas
Día 129: David cae en adulterio
Día 130: Natán confronta a David
Día 131: Absalón toma justicia por Tamar
Día 132: David perdona a Absalón
Día 133: David huye de Absalón
Día 134: Absalón toma Jerusalén
Día 135: Jusay, espía de David
Junio (152-181)
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The Bible in a Year Study Guide
Bible in a Year
La Biblia en un Año
Daily Notes
Dustin's Daily Notes
Table of Contents
January (Day 1-31)
Era 1: Early World
Day 1: In the Beginning
Day 2: The Fall of Adam and Eve
Day 3: Noah’s Ark
Day 4: The Flood
Day 5: Tower of Babel
Era 2: The Patriarchs
Day 6: Trust in the Lord
Day 7: God’s Covenant with Abram
Day 8: The Surrender of Abraham
Day 9: Sodom and Gomorrah
Day 10: Hagar and Ishmael
Day 11:The Sacrifice of Isaac
Day 12: Isaac and Rebekah
Day 13: Esau Sells His Birthright
Day 14: Isaac Blesses Jacob
Day 15: Leah Feels Unloved
Day 16: The Suffering of Job
Day 17: Jacob Meets Esau
Day 18: The Heart of Israel
Day 19: Joseph and his Brothers
Day 20: Judah and Tamar
Day 21: Walking with God
Day 22: Go to Joseph
Day 23: Judah Changes
Day 24: Tears of Joy
Day 25: Job’s Questioning
Day 26: God Responds to Job
Era 3: Egypt and the Exodus
Day 27: The Birth of Moses
Day 28: The Burning Bush
Day 29: Moses Returns to Egypt
Day 30: Nile Turned to Blood
Day 31: Frogs, Gnats, and Flies
February (Day 32-59)
Day 32: Cattle, Boils, and Hail
Day 33: Locusts, Darkness, and Death of the First Born
Day 34: The Passover Instituted
Day 35: Crossing the Red Sea
Day 36: Manna from Heaven
Day 37: The Mystical Works of God
Day 38: The Ten Commandments
Day 39: Slavery in the Old Testament
Day 40: Laws of Justice
Day 41: The Day of Atonement
Day 42: Moral Laws
Day 43: The Ark of the Covenant
Day 44: Priestly Garments
Day 45: Pray for Priests
Day 46: Set Apart for God
Day 47: The Golden Calf
Day 48: God's Presence
Day 49: The Year of Jubilee
Day 50: Sacrificial Offerings
Day 51: Israel's Worship of God
Era 4: Desert Wanderings
Day 52: Israel Continues to Journey
Day 53: The Twelve Tribes of Israel
Day 54: The Tribe of Levi
Day 55: Obedience to God
Day 56: Jealous Husbands
Day 57: Hear, O Israel
Day 58: A Chosen People
Day 59: Obligations to God
March (Day 60-90)
Day 60: Intercessory Prayer
Day 61: Complaining in the Desert
Day 62: Spies Sent to Canaan
Day 63: Israel's Rebellion
Day 64: Consequences of Sin
Day 65: Revolt Against Moses
Day 66: Forbidden Forms of Worship
Day 67: God's Justice and Refuge
Day 68: The Waters of Meribah
Day 69: The Bronze Serpent
Day 70: The Offense of Balaam
Day 71: The Source of the Law
Day 72: The Plains of Moab
Day 73: Inheritance of Land
Day 74: Joshua Appointed
Day 75: The Keeping of Vows
Day 76: War Against Midian
Day 77: God is Faithful
Day 78: The Song of Moses
Day 79: Psalms of Ascent
Day 80: Cities of Refuge
Era 5: Conquest and Judges
Day 81: Israel Crosses the Jordan
Day 82: The Valley of Achor
Day 83: The Gibeonite Trickery
Day 84: The Sun Stands Still
Day 85: Fighting for Each Other
Day 86: The Real Presence of God
Day 87: God Keeps His Promises
Day 88: Joshua's Last Words to Israel
Day 89: Israel's Cycle of Disobedience
Day 90: Ruth and Boaz
April (Day 91-120)
Day 91: Gideon's Story
Day 92: Jephthah's Vow
Day 93: Strengths and Weaknesses
Day 94: Samson and Delilah
Day 95: The Sin of Benjamin
Day 96: Hannah's Prayer
Day 97: Samuel's Prophecy
Day 98: Israel Asks for a King
Messianic Checkpoint: The Gospel of John
Day 99: The Word Became Flesh
Day 100: This Is My Body
Day 101: Signs and Wonders
Day 102: The Death of Lazarus
Day 103: Judas' Secrecy
Day 104: The Priestly Prayer of Jesus
Day 105: It Is Finished
Era 6: Royal Kingdom
Day 106: Saul Is Chosen
Day 107: Samuel's Speech
Day 108: Saul's Vanity
Day 109: A Heart of Obedience
Day 110: David and Goliath
Day 111: Saul Tries to Kill David
Day 112: True Friendship
Day 113: Broken Trust
Day 114: David Saves Keilah
Day 115: King Saul is Spared
Day 116: David and Abigail
Day 117: Reverence and Faithfulness
Day 118: King Saul Despairs
Day 119: David's Wisdom
Day 120: David Mourns Saul
May (Day 121-151)
Day 121: Cycle of Violence
Day 122: Abner Is Killed
Day 123: The Death of Ish-bosheth
Day 124: King David Rules
Day 125: Covenant with David
Day 126: David's Victories
Day 127: Kindness for the House of Saul
Day 128: Mighty Men of Valor
Day 129: David Commits Adultery
Day 130: Nathan Condemns David
Day 131: Hope for the Future
Day 132: David and Absalom
Day 133: Persevering in Trust
Day 134: Devastating Effects of Sin
Day 135: The Counsel of Hushai
Day 136: Absalom Is Defeated
Day 137: David Mourns Absalom
Day 138: The Effect of Sin on Others
Day 139: Reparation to the Gibeonites
Day 140: David's Prayer of Thanksgiving
Day 141: The Life of David
Day 142: Whole and Joyful Hearts
Day 143: Solomon Asks for Wisdom
Day 144: David's Last Words
Day 145: Solomon Builds the Temple
Day 146: The Universal Church
Day 147: Temple Worship
Day 148: Solomon's Wealth
Day 149: All Is Vanity
Day 150: The Dedication of the Temple
Day 151: Wisdom and Folly
June (Day 152-181)
Day 152: Being Forgotten
Day 153: The Decline of Solomon
Messianic Checkpoint: The Gospel of Mark
Day 154: The Baptism of Jesus
Day 155: Jesus is Lord
Day 156: Jesus Casts Out Demons
Day 157: Following Jesus
Day 158: The Reality of Sin
Day 159: Bearing Fruit
Day 160: Jesus Warns the People
Day 161: The Crucifixion of Christ
Era 7: Divided Kingdom
Day 162: Rehobo′am Seeks Counsel
Day 163: Faith Over Success
Day 164: Tearing Down Idols
Day 165: The Lover and the Beloved
Day 166: Responding in Faith
Day 167: Viaticum
Day 168: Wicked Kings
Day 169: Joash Is Crowned
Day 170: Joash's Downfall
Day 171: Elijah and Elisha
Day 172: Uzziah's Pride
Day 173: Confidence in God
Day 174: The Prophet Hosea
Day 175: Knowledge of God
Day 176: Choosing Eternal Life
Day 177: Return, O Israel
Day 178: Called Back
Day 179: Blinded by Comfort
Day 180: Giving Time to God
Day 181: Jonah and the Whale
July (Day 182-212)
Day 182: The Inescapable God
Day 183: Israel Falls to Assyria
Era 8: Exile
Day 184: Hezekiah Reigns
Day 185: Hezekiah's Prayer
Day 186: Struggles with Self-Interest
Day 187: Praying for Time
Day 188: The Book of the Law
Day 189: Follow the Lord
Day 190: Judah is Overrun
Day 191: The Babylonian Exile
Day 192: The Prophet Isaiah
Day 193: The Book of Tobit
Day 194: Holy is the Lord
Day 195: Tobias and Sarah Pray
Day 196: The Destruction of Israel
Day 197: Woe and Consolation
Day 198: The Day of the Lord
Day 199: Times for War
Day 200: Egypt, Assyria, and Israel
Day 201: Keys to the Kingdom
Day 202: God's Judgment
Day 203: Rejoice in the Lord
Day 204: Zephaniah's Warnings
Day 205: Promise to Zion
Day 206: The Book of Baruch
Day 207: The Lord Will Come
Day 208: The Futility of Idols
Day 209: God Comforts His People
Day 210: Speaking God's Word
Day 211: Called By Name
Day 212: God's Instrument
August (Day 213-243)
Day 213: The Redeemer
Day 214: The Hidden Glory of God
Day 215: False Prophets
Day 216: The Suffering Servant
Day 217: The Everlasting Covenant
Day 218: Each Will Be Judged
Day 219: Separation from God
Day 220: Prophecy Fulfilled
Day 221: Walking with Wise Men
Day 222: Idolatry and Adultery
Day 223: Responding Well
Day 224: The Weeping Prophet
Day 225: Our Will vs. God's Will
Day 226: Unfaithful Israel
Day 227: The Towering Cedar
Day 228: The Watchman's Duty
Day 229: Shepherds of Israel
Day 230: A New Heart
Day 231: The Valley of Dry Bones
Day 232: Glory in Knowing God
Day 233: Correct Me, O Lord
Day 234: Jeremiah Complains
Day 235: Lying Prophets
Day 236: Rich in Love
Day 237: Water from the Temple
Day 238: Fall of Jerusalem
Day 239: Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah
Day 240: Remaining Humble
Day 241: Daniel and the Den of Lions
Day 242: King Nebuchadnezzar's Role
Day 243: The Lord's Plans
September (Day 244-273)
Day 244: Susanna's Righteousness
Day 245: The Faithfulness of Daniel
Day 246: Rejoice in Doing Good
Day 247: True Repentance
Day 248: Cut to the Heart
Day 249: Prayer of Judith
Day 250: Final Wave of Exile
Day 251: Judith and Holofernes
Day 252: Queen of Heaven
Day 253: Lamentations of Jeremiah
Day 254: Judgment of Nations
Day 255: God is Good
Day 256: Hard Seasons
Day 257: Choose to Love
Messianic Checkpoint: The Gospel of Matthew
Day 258: The Kingdom is Here
Day 259: The Sermon on the Mount
Day 260: Carrying the Cross
Day 261: Ornate Souls
Day 262: Miracle Worker
Day 263: The Father's Generosity
Day 264: Preaching Without Practice
Day 265: Sins of Omission
Day 266: Son of the Father
Era 9: Return
Day 267: Indifference and Apathy
Day 268: Rebuilding the Temple
Day 269: The Day of Small Things
Day 270: God's Favor with Ezra
Day 271: Israel's Foreign Wives
Day 272: The Call of Nehemiah
Day 273: The Lord's Work
October (Day 274-304)
Day 274: Perseverance in Opposition
Day 275: Esther Becomes Queen
Day 276: Haman's Plan
Day 277: Such a Time as This
Day 278: Power in Weakness
Day 279: Blessings and Burdens
Day 280: The People of the Covenant
Day 281: Good and Evil
Era 10: Maccabean Revolt
Day 282: Antiochus Desecrates the Temple
Day 283: Mattathias Attacks
Day 284: Near Occasion of Sin
Day 285: Story of Hanukkah
Day 286: The Battle to Choose God
Day 287: Eleazar's Sacrifice
Day 288: Battling Against Gossip
Day 289: Wise Influences
Day 290: Judas Maccabeus Dies
Day 291: The Rise of King Alexander
Day 292: The Power of Words
Day 293: Discipline Grounded in Love
Day 294: Judea Gains Independence
Day 295: Israel's Expectations
Day 296: Know Your Heart
Day 297: Using Good Things for Evil
Day 298: The Gift of Life
Day 299: Jeremiah Hides the Ark
Day 300: Conversion of Heart
Day 301: Rising Again
Day 302: The Pursuit of Wisdom
Day 303: Eleazar's Martyrdom
Day 304: Life Beyond Death
November (Day 305-334)
Day 305: The Defender
Day 306: Wisdom Is Beautiful
Day 307: Courage in Battle
Day 308: Little by Little
Day 309: Praying for the Dead
Day 310: Rivals for the Heart
Day 311: God Fights for You
Day 312: Conclusion to the Old Testament
Era 11: Messianic Fulfillment
Day 313: The Ark of the New Covenant
Day 314: My Beloved Son
Day 315: The Virtue of Mercy
Day 316: Absolute Surrender
Day 317: Persistence in Prayer
Day 318: The Narrow Gate, the Lost Sheep, and the Prodigal Son
Day 319: Come, Follow Me
Day 320: Peter's Denial Foretold
Day 321: Jesus' Prayer in the Garden
Era 12: The Church
Day 322: The Ascension
Day 323: Pentecost
Day 324: The Name of Jesus
Day 325: Boldness in Faith
Day 326: Life in the Spirit
Day 327: Origin of the Diaconate
Day 328: Stephen Is Martyred
Day 329: The Ethiopian Eunuch
Day 330: Saul's Conversion
Day 331: Peter Preaches to the Gentiles
Day 332: Barnabas and Paul's Mission
Day 333: Peter Is Rescued from Prison
Day 334: The Meaning of Fasting
December (Day 335-365)
Day 335: Run the Race
Day 336: The Council at Jerusalem
Day 337: The Importance of Love
Day 338: Death Defeated
Day 339: Priscilla and Aquila
Day 340: The Power of the Holy Spirit
Day 341: Eternal Weight of Glory
Day 342: Generous Hearts
Day 343: God Uses Paul's Past
Day 344: The Thorn in Paul's Side
Day 345: One in Christ
Day 346: Fruits of the Spirit
Day 347: Witness to Unbelievers
Day 348: Rules for the New Life
Day 349: Holy Indifference
Day 350: Faith and Works
Day 351: Draw Near to God
Day 352: Purified by Fire
Day 353: Sharing the Gospel
Day 354: Partakers of the Divine Nature
Day 355: The Things of This World
Day 356: God Is Love
Day 357: Truth and Love
Day 358: From Rebellion to Faithfulness
Day 359: John's Apocalypse
Day 360: Heavenly Worship
Day 361: Judgment and Repentance
Day 362: The Woman Clothed with the Sun
Day 363: The New Covenant Priesthood
Day 364: Christ's Sacrifice Once for All
Day 365: The Beginning and the End
Notas diarias
Enero (Día 1-31)
Periodo 1: El mundo de los origenes
Día 1: En el Principio
Día 2: La Caída de Adán y Eva
Día 3: El arca de Noé
Día 4: El Diluvio
Día 5: Torre de babel
Periodo 2: los Patriarcas
Día 6: Confía en el Señor
Día 7: La alianza de Dios con Abrán
Día 8: La Entrega de Abrahán
Día 9: Sodoma y Gomorra
Día 10: Agar e Ismael
Día 11: El sacrificio de Isaac
Día 12: Isaac y Rebeca
Día 13: Esaú vende su primogenitura
Día 14: Isaac bendice a Jacob
Día 15: Las mujeres de Jacob
Día 16: Dios cambia el nombre de Jacob a Israel
Día 17: Esaú sale al encuentro de Jacob
Día 18: El corazón de Israel
Día 19: José y sus hermanos
Día 20: Judá y Tamar
Día 21: José es encarcelado a causa de una injusticia
Día 22: José es nombrado Primer Ministro
Día 23: Judá se sacrifica por Benjamín
Día 24: Lágrimas de alegría
Día 25: Israel bendice a Efraín y Manasés
Día 26: Últimas palabras y muerte de Israel
Periodo 3: Egipto y el Éxodo
Día 27: Nacimiento de Moisés
Día 28: Dios revela su nombre
Día 29: Moisés regresa a Egipto
Día 30: Dios convierte el río en sangre
Día 31: Dios envía las ranas, los mosquitos y los tábanos
Febrero (Día 32-59)
Día 32: Muerte al ganado, úlceras y granizo
Día 33: Langostas y tinieblas
Día 34: Institución de la Pascua
Día 35: Dios parte el mar y derrota al faraón
Día 36: Dios provee maná del cielo
Día 37: Dios socorre a Israel contra Amalec
Día 38: Decreto de los diez mandamientos
Día 39: Esclavitud en el viejo testamento
Día 40:Leyes para la justicia
Día 41: Justicia con los enemigos
Día 42: La sangre de la Alianza
Día 43: El Arca de la Alianza
Día 44: Las vestimentas sacerdotales
Día 45: Consagración de Aarón
Día 46: El Óleo de la Unción
Día 47: El becerro de oro
Día 48: Moisés conoce la presencia de Yahvé
Día 49: El tabernáculo
Día 50: Finaliza la construcción del tabernáculo
Día 51: Las vestimentas del sumo sacerdote
Periodo 4: La peregrinación por el desierto
Día 52: El censo de Israel
Día 53: Las Doce Tribus de Israel
Día 54: La Tribu de Levi
Día 55: Responsabilidades de los clanes levitas
Día 56: El rito de los celos
Día 57: Voto de nazireo
Día 58: Ofrenda de dedicación
Día 59: Tiempos de trabajo para Yahvé
Marzo (Día 60-90)
Día 60: Las trompetas de Israel
Día 61: Yahvé manda su fuego contra Israel
Día 62: Espías de Israel en Canaán
Día 63: Israel se rebelá contra Moisés
Día 64: Castigo por violar sabbat
Día 65: Israel se levanta contra Moisés y Aarón
Día 66: Yahvé manda plaga contra Israel
Día 67: Justicia y refugio de Dios
Día 68: Las aguas de Meribá
Día 69: La serpiente de bronce
Día 70: La burra de Balaán
Día 71: Balac insiste en maldecir a Israel
Día 72: Balaán bendice a Israel
Día 73: Censo de las casas patriarcales
Día 74: La herencia de las hijas de Israel
Día 75: El cumplimiento de los votos
Día 76: Guerra Santa contra Madián
Día 77: Josué sucede a Moisés como líder
Día 78: Cántico de Moisés
Día 79: Bendición final de Moisés
Día 80: Muerte de Moisés
Día 81: Las aguas del Jordán se abren
Día 82: Yahvé entrega Jericó a Israel
Día 83: Emboscada contra Ay
Día 84: Guerra contra los reyes del norte y sur
Día 85: Repartición de la tierra por conquistar
Día 86: Las demás tribus de Israel
Día 87: Yahvé cumple sus promesas
Día 88: Muerte de Josué
Día 89: Israel se aparta de Yahvé
Día 90: Barac y Débora
Abril (91-120)
Día 91: Gedeón y Abimélec
Día 92: Jefté y los jueces menores
Día 93: Sansón
Día 94: Sansón y Dalila
Día 95: El crimen de Guibeá
Día 96: Samuel
Día 97: Iniquidad de los hijos de Elí
Día 98: Institución de la monarquía en Israel
Punto de control mesiánico: introducción al evangelio de Juan
Día 99: Y la Palabra se hizo carne
Día 100: Jesús, el agua viva y pan de vida eterna
Día 101: Jesús, luz del mundo
Día 102: Jesús sale al encuentro de su amigo Lázaro
Día 103: Ámense los unos a los otros
Día 103: Ámense los unos a los otros
Día 104: Traición de Judas Iscariote
Día 105: Jesús vence a la muerte y el pecado
Periodo 6: Introducción a la monarquía unida
Día 106: Saúl es elegido rey de Israel
Día 107: Samuel se hace a un lado
Día 108: Jonatán vence a los filisteos
Día 109: David, el elegido de Yahvé
Día 110: David contra Goliat
Día 111: Saúl envidia a David y ordena su muerte
Día 112: Pacto de amistad
Día 113: Saúl mata sacerdotes de Yahvé
Día 114: David salva a Queilá
Día 115: David le perdona la vida a Saúl
Día 116: Abigail teme a Yahvé y salva a su casa
Día 117: David perdona a Saúl por segunda vez
Día 118: David se alía con los filisteos
Día 119: Muerte de Saúl
Día 120: David lamenta a Saúl y Jonatán
Mayo (121-151)
Día 121: Guerra entre Judá e Israel
Día 122: Asesinato de Abner
Día 123: La muerte de Mefibóset
Día 124: David reina
Día 125: Alianza de Dios con David
Día 126: Victorias de David
Día 127: David cumple su promesa a Jonatán
Día 128: Vcitoria sobre los arameos y los amonitas
Día 129: David cae en adulterio
Día 130: Natán confronta a David
Día 131: Absalón toma justicia por Tamar
Día 132: David perdona a Absalón
Día 133: David huye de Absalón
Día 134: Absalón toma Jerusalén
Día 135: Jusay, espía de David
Junio (152-181)
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Bible in a Year
La Biblia en un Año
Daily Notes
Dustin's Daily Notes
Table of Contents
January (Day 1-31)
Era 1: Early World
Day 1: In the Beginning
Day 2: The Fall of Adam and Eve
Day 3: Noah’s Ark
Day 4: The Flood
Day 5: Tower of Babel
Era 2: The Patriarchs
Day 6: Trust in the Lord
Day 7: God’s Covenant with Abram
Day 8: The Surrender of Abraham
Day 9: Sodom and Gomorrah
Day 10: Hagar and Ishmael
Day 11:The Sacrifice of Isaac
Day 12: Isaac and Rebekah
Day 13: Esau Sells His Birthright
Day 14: Isaac Blesses Jacob
Day 15: Leah Feels Unloved
Day 16: The Suffering of Job
Day 17: Jacob Meets Esau
Day 18: The Heart of Israel
Day 19: Joseph and his Brothers
Day 20: Judah and Tamar
Day 21: Walking with God
Day 22: Go to Joseph
Day 23: Judah Changes
Day 24: Tears of Joy
Day 25: Job’s Questioning
Day 26: God Responds to Job
Era 3: Egypt and the Exodus
Day 27: The Birth of Moses
Day 28: The Burning Bush
Day 29: Moses Returns to Egypt
Day 30: Nile Turned to Blood
Day 31: Frogs, Gnats, and Flies
February (Day 32-59)
Day 32: Cattle, Boils, and Hail
Day 33: Locusts, Darkness, and Death of the First Born
Day 34: The Passover Instituted
Day 35: Crossing the Red Sea
Day 36: Manna from Heaven
Day 37: The Mystical Works of God
Day 38: The Ten Commandments
Day 39: Slavery in the Old Testament
Day 40: Laws of Justice
Day 41: The Day of Atonement
Day 42: Moral Laws
Day 43: The Ark of the Covenant
Day 44: Priestly Garments
Day 45: Pray for Priests
Day 46: Set Apart for God
Day 47: The Golden Calf
Day 48: God's Presence
Day 49: The Year of Jubilee
Day 50: Sacrificial Offerings
Day 51: Israel's Worship of God
Era 4: Desert Wanderings
Day 52: Israel Continues to Journey
Day 53: The Twelve Tribes of Israel
Day 54: The Tribe of Levi
Day 55: Obedience to God
Day 56: Jealous Husbands
Day 57: Hear, O Israel
Day 58: A Chosen People
Day 59: Obligations to God
March (Day 60-90)
Day 60: Intercessory Prayer
Day 61: Complaining in the Desert
Day 62: Spies Sent to Canaan
Day 63: Israel's Rebellion
Day 64: Consequences of Sin
Day 65: Revolt Against Moses
Day 66: Forbidden Forms of Worship
Day 67: God's Justice and Refuge
Day 68: The Waters of Meribah
Day 69: The Bronze Serpent
Day 70: The Offense of Balaam
Day 71: The Source of the Law
Day 72: The Plains of Moab
Day 73: Inheritance of Land
Day 74: Joshua Appointed
Day 75: The Keeping of Vows
Day 76: War Against Midian
Day 77: God is Faithful
Day 78: The Song of Moses
Day 79: Psalms of Ascent
Day 80: Cities of Refuge
Era 5: Conquest and Judges
Day 81: Israel Crosses the Jordan
Day 82: The Valley of Achor
Day 83: The Gibeonite Trickery
Day 84: The Sun Stands Still
Day 85: Fighting for Each Other
Day 86: The Real Presence of God
Day 87: God Keeps His Promises
Day 88: Joshua's Last Words to Israel
Day 89: Israel's Cycle of Disobedience
Day 90: Ruth and Boaz
April (Day 91-120)
Day 91: Gideon's Story
Day 92: Jephthah's Vow
Day 93: Strengths and Weaknesses
Day 94: Samson and Delilah
Day 95: The Sin of Benjamin
Day 96: Hannah's Prayer
Day 97: Samuel's Prophecy
Day 98: Israel Asks for a King
Messianic Checkpoint: The Gospel of John
Day 99: The Word Became Flesh
Day 100: This Is My Body
Day 101: Signs and Wonders
Day 102: The Death of Lazarus
Day 103: Judas' Secrecy
Day 104: The Priestly Prayer of Jesus
Day 105: It Is Finished
Era 6: Royal Kingdom
Day 106: Saul Is Chosen
Day 107: Samuel's Speech
Day 108: Saul's Vanity
Day 109: A Heart of Obedience
Day 110: David and Goliath
Day 111: Saul Tries to Kill David
Day 112: True Friendship
Day 113: Broken Trust
Day 114: David Saves Keilah
Day 115: King Saul is Spared
Day 116: David and Abigail
Day 117: Reverence and Faithfulness
Day 118: King Saul Despairs
Day 119: David's Wisdom
Day 120: David Mourns Saul
May (Day 121-151)
Day 121: Cycle of Violence
Day 122: Abner Is Killed
Day 123: The Death of Ish-bosheth
Day 124: King David Rules
Day 125: Covenant with David
Day 126: David's Victories
Day 127: Kindness for the House of Saul
Day 128: Mighty Men of Valor
Day 129: David Commits Adultery
Day 130: Nathan Condemns David
Day 131: Hope for the Future
Day 132: David and Absalom
Day 133: Persevering in Trust
Day 134: Devastating Effects of Sin
Day 135: The Counsel of Hushai
Day 136: Absalom Is Defeated
Day 137: David Mourns Absalom
Day 138: The Effect of Sin on Others
Day 139: Reparation to the Gibeonites
Day 140: David's Prayer of Thanksgiving
Day 141: The Life of David
Day 142: Whole and Joyful Hearts
Day 143: Solomon Asks for Wisdom
Day 144: David's Last Words
Day 145: Solomon Builds the Temple
Day 146: The Universal Church
Day 147: Temple Worship
Day 148: Solomon's Wealth
Day 149: All Is Vanity
Day 150: The Dedication of the Temple
Day 151: Wisdom and Folly
June (Day 152-181)
Day 152: Being Forgotten
Day 153: The Decline of Solomon
Messianic Checkpoint: The Gospel of Mark
Day 154: The Baptism of Jesus
Day 155: Jesus is Lord
Day 156: Jesus Casts Out Demons
Day 157: Following Jesus
Day 158: The Reality of Sin
Day 159: Bearing Fruit
Day 160: Jesus Warns the People
Day 161: The Crucifixion of Christ
Era 7: Divided Kingdom
Day 162: Rehobo′am Seeks Counsel
Day 163: Faith Over Success
Day 164: Tearing Down Idols
Day 165: The Lover and the Beloved
Day 166: Responding in Faith
Day 167: Viaticum
Day 168: Wicked Kings
Day 169: Joash Is Crowned
Day 170: Joash's Downfall
Day 171: Elijah and Elisha
Day 172: Uzziah's Pride
Day 173: Confidence in God
Day 174: The Prophet Hosea
Day 175: Knowledge of God
Day 176: Choosing Eternal Life
Day 177: Return, O Israel
Day 178: Called Back
Day 179: Blinded by Comfort
Day 180: Giving Time to God
Day 181: Jonah and the Whale
July (Day 182-212)
Day 182: The Inescapable God
Day 183: Israel Falls to Assyria
Era 8: Exile
Day 184: Hezekiah Reigns
Day 185: Hezekiah's Prayer
Day 186: Struggles with Self-Interest
Day 187: Praying for Time
Day 188: The Book of the Law
Day 189: Follow the Lord
Day 190: Judah is Overrun
Day 191: The Babylonian Exile
Day 192: The Prophet Isaiah
Day 193: The Book of Tobit
Day 194: Holy is the Lord
Day 195: Tobias and Sarah Pray
Day 196: The Destruction of Israel
Day 197: Woe and Consolation
Day 198: The Day of the Lord
Day 199: Times for War
Day 200: Egypt, Assyria, and Israel
Day 201: Keys to the Kingdom
Day 202: God's Judgment
Day 203: Rejoice in the Lord
Day 204: Zephaniah's Warnings
Day 205: Promise to Zion
Day 206: The Book of Baruch
Day 207: The Lord Will Come
Day 208: The Futility of Idols
Day 209: God Comforts His People
Day 210: Speaking God's Word
Day 211: Called By Name
Day 212: God's Instrument
August (Day 213-243)
Day 213: The Redeemer
Day 214: The Hidden Glory of God
Day 215: False Prophets
Day 216: The Suffering Servant
Day 217: The Everlasting Covenant
Day 218: Each Will Be Judged
Day 219: Separation from God
Day 220: Prophecy Fulfilled
Day 221: Walking with Wise Men
Day 222: Idolatry and Adultery
Day 223: Responding Well
Day 224: The Weeping Prophet
Day 225: Our Will vs. God's Will
Day 226: Unfaithful Israel
Day 227: The Towering Cedar
Day 228: The Watchman's Duty
Day 229: Shepherds of Israel
Day 230: A New Heart
Day 231: The Valley of Dry Bones
Day 232: Glory in Knowing God
Day 233: Correct Me, O Lord
Day 234: Jeremiah Complains
Day 235: Lying Prophets
Day 236: Rich in Love
Day 237: Water from the Temple
Day 238: Fall of Jerusalem
Day 239: Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah
Day 240: Remaining Humble
Day 241: Daniel and the Den of Lions
Day 242: King Nebuchadnezzar's Role
Day 243: The Lord's Plans
September (Day 244-273)
Day 244: Susanna's Righteousness
Day 245: The Faithfulness of Daniel
Day 246: Rejoice in Doing Good
Day 247: True Repentance
Day 248: Cut to the Heart
Day 249: Prayer of Judith
Day 250: Final Wave of Exile
Day 251: Judith and Holofernes
Day 252: Queen of Heaven
Day 253: Lamentations of Jeremiah
Day 254: Judgment of Nations
Day 255: God is Good
Day 256: Hard Seasons
Day 257: Choose to Love
Messianic Checkpoint: The Gospel of Matthew
Day 258: The Kingdom is Here
Day 259: The Sermon on the Mount
Day 260: Carrying the Cross
Day 261: Ornate Souls
Day 262: Miracle Worker
Day 263: The Father's Generosity
Day 264: Preaching Without Practice
Day 265: Sins of Omission
Day 266: Son of the Father
Era 9: Return
Day 267: Indifference and Apathy
Day 268: Rebuilding the Temple
Day 269: The Day of Small Things
Day 270: God's Favor with Ezra
Day 271: Israel's Foreign Wives
Day 272: The Call of Nehemiah
Day 273: The Lord's Work
October (Day 274-304)
Day 274: Perseverance in Opposition
Day 275: Esther Becomes Queen
Day 276: Haman's Plan
Day 277: Such a Time as This
Day 278: Power in Weakness
Day 279: Blessings and Burdens
Day 280: The People of the Covenant
Day 281: Good and Evil
Era 10: Maccabean Revolt
Day 282: Antiochus Desecrates the Temple
Day 283: Mattathias Attacks
Day 284: Near Occasion of Sin
Day 285: Story of Hanukkah
Day 286: The Battle to Choose God
Day 287: Eleazar's Sacrifice
Day 288: Battling Against Gossip
Day 289: Wise Influences
Day 290: Judas Maccabeus Dies
Day 291: The Rise of King Alexander
Day 292: The Power of Words
Day 293: Discipline Grounded in Love
Day 294: Judea Gains Independence
Day 295: Israel's Expectations
Day 296: Know Your Heart
Day 297: Using Good Things for Evil
Day 298: The Gift of Life
Day 299: Jeremiah Hides the Ark
Day 300: Conversion of Heart
Day 301: Rising Again
Day 302: The Pursuit of Wisdom
Day 303: Eleazar's Martyrdom
Day 304: Life Beyond Death
November (Day 305-334)
Day 305: The Defender
Day 306: Wisdom Is Beautiful
Day 307: Courage in Battle
Day 308: Little by Little
Day 309: Praying for the Dead
Day 310: Rivals for the Heart
Day 311: God Fights for You
Day 312: Conclusion to the Old Testament
Era 11: Messianic Fulfillment
Day 313: The Ark of the New Covenant
Day 314: My Beloved Son
Day 315: The Virtue of Mercy
Day 316: Absolute Surrender
Day 317: Persistence in Prayer
Day 318: The Narrow Gate, the Lost Sheep, and the Prodigal Son
Day 319: Come, Follow Me
Day 320: Peter's Denial Foretold
Day 321: Jesus' Prayer in the Garden
Era 12: The Church
Day 322: The Ascension
Day 323: Pentecost
Day 324: The Name of Jesus
Day 325: Boldness in Faith
Day 326: Life in the Spirit
Day 327: Origin of the Diaconate
Day 328: Stephen Is Martyred
Day 329: The Ethiopian Eunuch
Day 330: Saul's Conversion
Day 331: Peter Preaches to the Gentiles
Day 332: Barnabas and Paul's Mission
Day 333: Peter Is Rescued from Prison
Day 334: The Meaning of Fasting
December (Day 335-365)
Day 335: Run the Race
Day 336: The Council at Jerusalem
Day 337: The Importance of Love
Day 338: Death Defeated
Day 339: Priscilla and Aquila
Day 340: The Power of the Holy Spirit
Day 341: Eternal Weight of Glory
Day 342: Generous Hearts
Day 343: God Uses Paul's Past
Day 344: The Thorn in Paul's Side
Day 345: One in Christ
Day 346: Fruits of the Spirit
Day 347: Witness to Unbelievers
Day 348: Rules for the New Life
Day 349: Holy Indifference
Day 350: Faith and Works
Day 351: Draw Near to God
Day 352: Purified by Fire
Day 353: Sharing the Gospel
Day 354: Partakers of the Divine Nature
Day 355: The Things of This World
Day 356: God Is Love
Day 357: Truth and Love
Day 358: From Rebellion to Faithfulness
Day 359: John's Apocalypse
Day 360: Heavenly Worship
Day 361: Judgment and Repentance
Day 362: The Woman Clothed with the Sun
Day 363: The New Covenant Priesthood
Day 364: Christ's Sacrifice Once for All
Day 365: The Beginning and the End
Notas diarias
Enero (Día 1-31)
Periodo 1: El mundo de los origenes
Día 1: En el Principio
Día 2: La Caída de Adán y Eva
Día 3: El arca de Noé
Día 4: El Diluvio
Día 5: Torre de babel
Periodo 2: los Patriarcas
Día 6: Confía en el Señor
Día 7: La alianza de Dios con Abrán
Día 8: La Entrega de Abrahán
Día 9: Sodoma y Gomorra
Día 10: Agar e Ismael
Día 11: El sacrificio de Isaac
Día 12: Isaac y Rebeca
Día 13: Esaú vende su primogenitura
Día 14: Isaac bendice a Jacob
Día 15: Las mujeres de Jacob
Día 16: Dios cambia el nombre de Jacob a Israel
Día 17: Esaú sale al encuentro de Jacob
Día 18: El corazón de Israel
Día 19: José y sus hermanos
Día 20: Judá y Tamar
Día 21: José es encarcelado a causa de una injusticia
Día 22: José es nombrado Primer Ministro
Día 23: Judá se sacrifica por Benjamín
Día 24: Lágrimas de alegría
Día 25: Israel bendice a Efraín y Manasés
Día 26: Últimas palabras y muerte de Israel
Periodo 3: Egipto y el Éxodo
Día 27: Nacimiento de Moisés
Día 28: Dios revela su nombre
Día 29: Moisés regresa a Egipto
Día 30: Dios convierte el río en sangre
Día 31: Dios envía las ranas, los mosquitos y los tábanos
Febrero (Día 32-59)
Día 32: Muerte al ganado, úlceras y granizo
Día 33: Langostas y tinieblas
Día 34: Institución de la Pascua
Día 35: Dios parte el mar y derrota al faraón
Día 36: Dios provee maná del cielo
Día 37: Dios socorre a Israel contra Amalec
Día 38: Decreto de los diez mandamientos
Día 39: Esclavitud en el viejo testamento
Día 40:Leyes para la justicia
Día 41: Justicia con los enemigos
Día 42: La sangre de la Alianza
Día 43: El Arca de la Alianza
Día 44: Las vestimentas sacerdotales
Día 45: Consagración de Aarón
Día 46: El Óleo de la Unción
Día 47: El becerro de oro
Día 48: Moisés conoce la presencia de Yahvé
Día 49: El tabernáculo
Día 50: Finaliza la construcción del tabernáculo
Día 51: Las vestimentas del sumo sacerdote
Periodo 4: La peregrinación por el desierto
Día 52: El censo de Israel
Día 53: Las Doce Tribus de Israel
Día 54: La Tribu de Levi
Día 55: Responsabilidades de los clanes levitas
Día 56: El rito de los celos
Día 57: Voto de nazireo
Día 58: Ofrenda de dedicación
Día 59: Tiempos de trabajo para Yahvé
Marzo (Día 60-90)
Día 60: Las trompetas de Israel
Día 61: Yahvé manda su fuego contra Israel
Día 62: Espías de Israel en Canaán
Día 63: Israel se rebelá contra Moisés
Día 64: Castigo por violar sabbat
Día 65: Israel se levanta contra Moisés y Aarón
Día 66: Yahvé manda plaga contra Israel
Día 67: Justicia y refugio de Dios
Día 68: Las aguas de Meribá
Día 69: La serpiente de bronce
Día 70: La burra de Balaán
Día 71: Balac insiste en maldecir a Israel
Día 72: Balaán bendice a Israel
Día 73: Censo de las casas patriarcales
Día 74: La herencia de las hijas de Israel
Día 75: El cumplimiento de los votos
Día 76: Guerra Santa contra Madián
Día 77: Josué sucede a Moisés como líder
Día 78: Cántico de Moisés
Día 79: Bendición final de Moisés
Día 80: Muerte de Moisés
Día 81: Las aguas del Jordán se abren
Día 82: Yahvé entrega Jericó a Israel
Día 83: Emboscada contra Ay
Día 84: Guerra contra los reyes del norte y sur
Día 85: Repartición de la tierra por conquistar
Día 86: Las demás tribus de Israel
Día 87: Yahvé cumple sus promesas
Día 88: Muerte de Josué
Día 89: Israel se aparta de Yahvé
Día 90: Barac y Débora
Abril (91-120)
Día 91: Gedeón y Abimélec
Día 92: Jefté y los jueces menores
Día 93: Sansón
Día 94: Sansón y Dalila
Día 95: El crimen de Guibeá
Día 96: Samuel
Día 97: Iniquidad de los hijos de Elí
Día 98: Institución de la monarquía en Israel
Punto de control mesiánico: introducción al evangelio de Juan
Día 99: Y la Palabra se hizo carne
Día 100: Jesús, el agua viva y pan de vida eterna
Día 101: Jesús, luz del mundo
Día 102: Jesús sale al encuentro de su amigo Lázaro
Día 103: Ámense los unos a los otros
Día 103: Ámense los unos a los otros
Día 104: Traición de Judas Iscariote
Día 105: Jesús vence a la muerte y el pecado
Periodo 6: Introducción a la monarquía unida
Día 106: Saúl es elegido rey de Israel
Día 107: Samuel se hace a un lado
Día 108: Jonatán vence a los filisteos
Día 109: David, el elegido de Yahvé
Día 110: David contra Goliat
Día 111: Saúl envidia a David y ordena su muerte
Día 112: Pacto de amistad
Día 113: Saúl mata sacerdotes de Yahvé
Día 114: David salva a Queilá
Día 115: David le perdona la vida a Saúl
Día 116: Abigail teme a Yahvé y salva a su casa
Día 117: David perdona a Saúl por segunda vez
Día 118: David se alía con los filisteos
Día 119: Muerte de Saúl
Día 120: David lamenta a Saúl y Jonatán
Mayo (121-151)
Día 121: Guerra entre Judá e Israel
Día 122: Asesinato de Abner
Día 123: La muerte de Mefibóset
Día 124: David reina
Día 125: Alianza de Dios con David
Día 126: Victorias de David
Día 127: David cumple su promesa a Jonatán
Día 128: Vcitoria sobre los arameos y los amonitas
Día 129: David cae en adulterio
Día 130: Natán confronta a David
Día 131: Absalón toma justicia por Tamar
Día 132: David perdona a Absalón
Día 133: David huye de Absalón
Día 134: Absalón toma Jerusalén
Día 135: Jusay, espía de David
Junio (152-181)
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Egipto y el Éxodo
(con P. Dempsey Rosales)
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