Claudia Rapp, Director of the Institute for Medieval Research at the OeAW, said: Grigory Kessel has made a great discovery thanks to his profound knowledge of old Syriac texts and script characteristics.

Discovery Bible Studies work best in small groups of between four and eight people - preferably people who already know each other. You can use a paper bible, photocopied sheets or the Discover App to run the study. The Discovery Bible Study Method is a highly effective discipleship tool and the Discover App is a Discipleship App.

Bible Discovery Download


In September, Prof. Yuval Gadot and Dr. Yiftah Shalev announced the discovery of about 1,500 fragments of finely decorated ivory, sourced from elephant tusks (a substance considered to be more valuable than gold at the time). This ivory was also found in the City of David Givati Parking Lot excavations. The ivories date to the First Temple Period and show signs of having been crushed and burned in the Babylonian destruction of 586 b.c.e.

invasion of Georga. The book reveals a warning about appeasement of dictators. Evil must be defeated and 

not ignored or appeased. This book explains how 

democrats who appease evil have made our nation 

vulnerable to Russia and Iran. Why? Because democrats 

refuse to drill for oil leaving us vulnerable 

to dangerous enemies causing them to take advantage 

of our weakness. Democrats are blaming 

America and assisting our enemies to undermine 

our moral streanth in the world. It reminds me 

of a battered women syndrome where one willingly

takes the abuse because they have been taught to 

believe that they are the worlds problem and 

therefore deserve the abuse.. This book teaches us from Bible prophecy that this deceptive pattern must stop 

before it is too late!

Russia surely is the kingdom of the far north 

prepareing to attack Israel and Iran is with 



Blogs out there actually under-state the power of this Bible discovery as you will soon discover. Why has

A new biblical discovery has just been released into the market bringing a miraculous prophecy about Iraq. There are a large number of biblical scriptures which have passed silently under the radar until now. 


Iraq is to be freed by a great eagle wings in the latter day prophecy! This is welcome news coming straight from the Bible just before the election. Most Americans still believe in Bible prophecy above political persuasions.


If the war in Iraq represents Gods will actually predicted in Bible prophecy, this may be our chance to unify christians and patriots before this critical election takes place. Obama claims to be a good christian. Could he now become exposed publically for apposing "the great eagle" freeing Iraq in Bible prophecy?

A Salem christian group published an important press release concerning this true Biblical discovery! This stunning declaration comes from one of the most reputable christian publishers in America... 


 One critic asked the author how he could possibly announce a discovery about 9/11 and Iraq in Bible prophecy? 

"Aren't you exploiting thousands of American deaths within this current war and 9/11 just to sell a book?" ff782bc1db

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