1.5 岩嵜論文










Noah after the Flood:

Literary Functions and Contemporary Perplexities in Genesis 9: 18-29



This article discusses the literary functions and contemporary issues of the story of “Noah after the flood” in Genesis 9:18-29.

First, this paper examines the expressions, relevant passages, and interpretive issues in this pericope. It finds that this biblical passage has many linkages, idiosyncratic expressions, and interpretive difficulties.

Second, this essay considers literary functions of this story. As a result, it shows that 1) there are many gaps and ambiguities in the story, leaving the readers with various possibilities of reading the text, 2) it adds a new character to Noah and raises questions about Yahweh’s judgment in choosing such one. Furtherly, it relates 3)Adam and Noah, and 4) Noah and Moses. In addition, it ties in with 5) “Cain and Abel” episode and 6)“Lot’s daughters’” one, and 7)it has a literary function of anticipating the recurring structure of the curse and blessing in the patriarchal narrative.

Finally, this treatise deals with the problems of the narrative as it is read today. This pericope has many difficulties: 1) it is a female-less tale told with male-centered values, 2) it contains danger that could occur today, in that it condemns a certain individual or group by implying sexual behavior, and 3) it justifies the subordination of a certain individual or group by an unstated matter.

In conclusion, the story of “Noah after the flood” has many gaps that draw the readers’ attention and invite different interpretations, but at the same time, from a modern perspective, it is not without its problems. The question for the readers is whether to accept the values both of the narrator and of the characters, or to suspend the values of them and re-examine them from a modern point of view. Thus, we must continue to read the Bible in order to understand the conflict between the biblical narrative and contemporary ethics, and to take up the issue as our own question, not as someone else’s.

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