Gender Bias Definition

Gender bias is a very complicated term to define. For the purpose of our research, we have decided to focus on gender bias and its manifestation in text. Our current understanding of gender bias in text is the use of words or syntactic constructs that connote or imply an inclination or prejudice against one gender. It can be structural or contextual. If you think you can contribute your knowledge to our in-progress definition of gender bias, please consider filling out the this survey.


Gender Generalization:

Gender neutral term referred to by a gendered pronoun

[A programmer] must always carry [his] laptop.

Explicit Marking of Sex:

Use of gender-exclusive keywords for gender-neutral entity/group

[Policemen] work hard to protect our cities.


Societal Stereotype:

Assumes societal roles based off of gender and tradition

Senators need their [wives to support] them throughout their campaign.

Behavioural Stereotype:

Traits used to describe a gender, which assumes the behaviour of a person from their gender.

All [boys] are [aggressive].

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