Kristian Kersting
Kristian Kersting
Making Deep Neural Networks Right for the Right Scientific Reasons
Making Deep Neural Networks Right for the Right Scientific Reasons
On the Applicability of ML Fairness Notions
On the Applicability of ML Fairness Notions
Karima Makhlouf
Sami Zhioua
Catuscia Palamidessi.
Assessing Viewpoint Diversity in Search Results Using Ranking Fairness Metrics
Assessing Viewpoint Diversity in Search Results Using Ranking Fairness Metrics
Tim Draws
Nava Tintarev
Ujwal Gadiraju
Alessandro Bozzon
Benjamin Timmermans.
Ethical Adversaries: Towards Mitigating Unfairness with Adversarial Machine Learning
Ethical Adversaries: Towards Mitigating Unfairness with Adversarial Machine Learning
Pieter Delobelle
Paul Temple
Gilles Perrouin
Benoît Frénay
Patrick Heymans
Bettina Berendt.
Nikolaus Forgó
Nikolaus Forgó
Can Law Steer the Development of AI and if so, How?
Can Law Steer the Development of AI and if so, How?
Blind Spots in AI: the Role of Serendipity and Equity in Algorithm-Based Decision-Making
Blind Spots in AI: the Role of Serendipity and Equity in Algorithm-Based Decision-Making
Cora van Leeuwen
Annelien Smets
An Jacobs
Pieter Ballon.
The Limits of Computation in Solving Equity Trade-Offs in Machine Learning and Justice System Risk Assessment
The Limits of Computation in Solving Equity Trade-Offs in Machine Learning and Justice System Risk Assessment
Jesse Russell.
Dietmar Huebner
Dietmar Huebner
Two Kinds of Discrimination in AI-Based Penal Decision-Making
Two Kinds of Discrimination in AI-Based Penal Decision-Making
The use and misuse of counterfactuals in fair machine learning
The use and misuse of counterfactuals in fair machine learning
Atoosa Kasirzadeh
Andrew Smart.
Don’t guess my gender, gurl: The inadvertent impact of gender inferences
Don’t guess my gender, gurl: The inadvertent impact of gender inferences
Eduard Fosch Villaronga
Adam Poulsen
Roger A. Søraa
Bart H.M. Custers
Viktoriia Sharmanska
Viktoriia Sharmanska
Discovering Fair Interpretable Representations in Visual Data
Discovering Fair Interpretable Representations in Visual Data