The Best way to wash your face

Although cleansing your face can appear easy, it actually requires time and care. The proper technique might be the difference between glowing skin and an acne outbreak. Expert emphasises the need of a nightly washing practise for all skin types, textures, and conditions. Removing makeup, pollution, and filth from the day will promote the skin's nighttime processes of regeneration and renewal as well as help the skin get ready for your skin care programme.

First, properly remove all of your makeup.

Before you begin washing, especially before bed, use a mild makeup remover to get the job done. If the pores, which are used to purging out toxins overnight, get blocked, everything will back up and seem clogged. Just so you know, this is true for all skin types, even if your outer layer is fairly tough.

Don't wash your face with abrasive bar soap.

Bar soaps have the potential to change the pH balance of the skin, which promotes the growth of more bacteria and yeast, unless they are specifically made for the face. Always use a cruelty free face wash for removing the dirt.

It comes as no surprise that facial cleansers—particularly cleaning balms—are designed for sensitive skin. People have a propensity to seek for foaming" products because they believe that if it doesn't foam, it's not cleaning. Foaming, however, actually causes your skin to lose more natural oils.

This was supported by a 2012 research, which found that surfactants inhibit your skin molecules from being in order, natural, and healthy. Surfactants are what allow cleansers to break down oil so water can wash out the filth.

When exfoliating, use caution.

Scrubbing can remove the skin's natural layer of defence. The best technique to clean skin is to gently massage it for at least a couple of minutes with your fingertips.

Look for chemicals in your cleansers that contain fruit enzymes, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, or lactic acid to exfoliate. To cleanse pores and remove dead skin cells to give the skin a healthy shine, give these products 60 to 90 seconds to work their way into the skin. A plumping face wash will be beneficial for you to get a clean skin.

Do not over do anything

Even while using a scrub or cleanser with beads could feel gentle the first day, using them frequently or scrubbing too vigorously might harm the skin's outer layer. Skin hypersensitivity is one indication of over-exfoliation. This may irritate your skin, lead to outbreaks, or even make applying cosmetics hurt.


All of this is to imply that washing is only the first step in preserving the health of your skin. The remaining steps rely on all the other serums, moisturisers, mists, face masks, and so on. Additionally, your diet, exercise routine, and stress levels all have an impact.

Identifying your cleaning objectives can help you decide how to wash your face. Do you want it to only take one step and happen once every day? Then decide your restrictions, such as skin type, water quality, and budget, and move on from there.