
Parent Community Helping Panthers

panther parent volunteer opportunities

The Boulder High School Parent Advisory Council (PAC) helps support the staff and students at our school by organizing and engaging parent volunteers.
BHS Volunteers make a HUGE impact!

Want to help? There are lots of opportunities to get involved. PAC is currently looking to fill a few key volunteer positions. Here are a few. Link to Help at School for the full list and keep scrolling for Volunteer Descriptions.

For more information please email us - pacboulderhigh@gmail.com
*Exec Board positions are two-year terms. 

Boulder High School Volunteer Positions

All the BHS volunteer positions are managed by the HelpAtSchools platform.  This is the same platform used for the BHS Student Directory

The volunteer positions are listed below with a list of tasks and responsibilities along with an estimated amount of time needed for the position.  View Printable Version (pdf)

*Note: The PAC Co-Chairs, Secretary, and Treasurer are all members of the Executive Board and are expected to attend all PAC meetings 


PAC Executive Board

PAC Co-Chair (Two)

Tasks & Responsibilities: Plan, organize, and lead monthly PAC meetings including setting the agenda and coordinating with the Principal and Admin Team on what school support is needed. Help set the annual budget, manage volunteer leads, recruit new volunteers, and attend a variety of school events to help promote the work of PAC. Member of PAC Grant Committee. 

Time Commitment: Ongoing Two-year term 

PAC Treasurer

Tasks & Responsibilities: Update monthly financial reports in Excel and post for public view. Write checks and track payments/receipts for expenses, reimbursements, and funded PAC grants. Reconcile account in Quick Books monthly and update banking information on multiple sites (MightyCause, Benevity, Amazon Smile, etc). Provide necessary information to accountant for tax preparation and file completed taxes annually. Maintain online PAC charity status with CO Sectretary of State. Member of PAC Grant Committee. 

Time Commitment: Ongoing, 2-3 hours per month

PAC Secretary

Tasks & Responsibilities: Attend all PAC meetings and record meeting minutes. After meetings, post minutes to public folder for all to view. 

Time Commitment: Ongoing

Fundraising & Grants

PAC Grant Committee

Tasks & Responsibilities: Review grant requests in September, make award decisions, follow up with grant recipients. Grant committee includes Co-Chairs, treasurer and at least two at-large BHS parent community members. 

Time Commitment: Ongoing


PAC Fundraising Team Lead (2)

Tasks & Responsibilities: Lead Fundraising Team. Work closely with PAC Co-Chairs and coordinate team efforts for the “Fall Drive for Funds” direct appeal, grocery card and Amazon Smile programs, and other fundraising efforts. 

Time Commitment: Ongoing


Fall Drive For Funds Coordinator

Tasks & Responsibilities: Part of PAC Fundraising Team. Work with fundraising lead and Co-Chairs to produce “Fall Drive for Funds” direct appeal campaign starting with Back-to-School Night and wrapping up in October. 

Time Commitment: Summer/Fall



PAC Communication Team Lead

Tasks & Responsibilities: Lead Communication Team—PAC CONNECTIONS, PAC website support and social media. Coordinate team to effectively produce and disseminate quality information to BHS community. 

Time Commitment: 2-3 hours a month  August - May with a newsletter send only in June & July


PAC Connections Newsletter

Tasks & Responsibilities: Part of PAC Communication Team.  Works with PAC Co-Chairs to create a newsletter once a month (approx. mid month or 2 weeks after PAC meeting).  Email is created in MailChimp using a template.  Responsible for updating info regarding next PAC meeting, Book Club info, PAC ProTip and  and gathering one or two parent focused info items.  Updating email mailing list 3 times a year.

Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per month, August through May

Website Support

Tasks & Responsibilities: Part of PAC Communication Team. Update PAC website. 

Time Commitment: Ongoing


Social Media Support

Tasks & Responsibilities: Part of PAC Communication Team. Post news, announcements and happenings of the broader BHS community to the broader BHS community. 

Time Commitment: Ongoing


HelpAtSchool Support

Tasks & Responsibilities: Part of PAC Communication Team. Help train and support BHS groups, clubs and teams to utilize Help at School platform to engage volunteers for the school. 

Time Commitment: Ongoing but a light time commitment (1 - 2 hours a month)


Event/Staff Support

Event Coordinator: PantherPalooza

Tasks & Responsibilities: Coordinate with school Admin Team to organize one-day Back-to-School event for parent community.

Time Commitment: 3-4 weeks in Aug/Sept, 1 week in April/May


Event Coordinator: Open Enrollment Tours

Tasks & Responsibilities: Coordinate with Principal’s Assistant in the fall to organize “Catch the Panther Spirit” tours for future BHS students. Create a scheduling calendar and timeline, manage HelpAtSchool platform for gathering parent volunteers and registering student tour guests and promote event via eNews. Organize parents volunteers so that they know responsibilities day of tours. 

Time Commitment: Four tours during two weeks in Nov. and Dec.


Event Coordinator: Coffee & Conversation with Admin

Tasks & Responsibilities: Work with Admin Team to organize a casual mid-year meeting for parents to talk with the Principal and Asst. Principals. Plan and promote all logistics of the event including location, coffee and any supplies necessary. 

Time Commitment: January


Event Coordinator: BHS Parent Book Club

Tasks & Responsibilities: Attend BHS Parent Book Club every week. Organize and promote Book Club via eNews.

Time Commitment: 4 - 6 hours per month


Event Coordinator: BHS After Prom Representative

Tasks & Responsibilities: Work with Fairview HS Rep to plan and organize the annual After Prom joint event for both schools held in April. Attend monthly meetings and chair one or two of the committees. The After Prom Committee is made up of representatives from both Boulder and Fairview High Schools who work together to create a safe, drug-free supervised event for all students from both schools to go to after attending their Prom. Meetings are held on the first Wed of the month at East Boulder Rec Center. For more info, contact fhsbhsafterprom@gmail.com or visit www.fhsbhsafterprom.org

Time Commitment: 2-10 hours per month


Event Coordinator: Senior BBQ

Tasks & Responsibilities: Coordinate, promote, and communicate the Senior BBQ event in the Spring. Organize catering and other vendors, help with setup, manage volunteers, and check-in students on the day of the event. Event planning experience is a plus but not required. 

Time Commitment: Spring


New Family Welcome Coordinator

Tasks & Responsibilities: Welcome new families from outside the district and state by a phone call and follow-up communication. 

Time Commitment: Ongoing


Staff Appreciation Coordinator

Tasks & Responsibilities: Provide food four times during parent teacher conferences - two nights in October and two nights in February. Also host a breakfast during December finals week. Tasks include ordering food, setting up and cleaning up. 

Time Commitment: 3-4 hours in October, December, and February


Beautify Boulder High

Tasks & Responsibilities: Work with school Admin Team to help improve the “look and feel” of our school, both inside and outside. 

Time Commitment: Ongoing


School/District Committee Representatives

School Accountability Committee (SAC) Rep

Tasks & Responsibilities: Part of SAC Team whose purpose is to review student academic & climate data in order to create the school’s Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) with goals to improve all aspects of BHS. Communicate with DAC Rep and give monthly report at PAC meetings. 


Time Commitment: One SAC meeting per month plus PAC meetings, Sept through May


District Accountability Committee (DAC) Rep

Tasks & Responsibilities: Attend DAC meetings at BVSD Education Center to provide input on several topics as well as hear updates on the district’s budget and improvement plans. DAC meetings are at 6:15- 8:30 pm on the first Tuesday of the month, September through May. Participate on at least one subcommittee and maintain communication with SAC Rep. Term begins in August. Appointed by the principal/SAC Rep. 


Time Commitment: Two year term. Attend monthly meetings. Sept through May.


District Parent Council (DPC) Rep

Tasks & Responsibilities: Part of a group of parents who meet with the Superintendent and School Board Rep to discuss and examine timely and relevant topics that affect BVSD students and schools. The DPC meetings are held at 6:30 pm on the third Wednesday of the month, September through May, at the BVSD Education Center. 


Time Commitment: One DPC meeting per month. Sept through May


Parent Engagement Network (PEN) Rep

Tasks & Responsibilities: Support parents in raising healthy, happy youth through programs on substance use, stress and anxiety, technology, resilience, and family-school partnerships. Attends PEN meetings and help support their mission; communicate with PAC to promote PEN events. 


Time Commitment: 4 hours per month
