Welcome to the Health and PE department website!

At BHS, we offer various PE classes to get you moving and have some fun! Whether you enjoy a traditional team sports class, a relaxing yoga class, to a strength interval training class, or anything in between, there's a class for you.

Each of these is a semester-long course and is a graduation requirement.

If you have any further questions on any of the class content, please reach out to

Mr. Nolan Darin.Nolan@bellinghamschools.org

Mr. Chronister Steve.Chronister@bellinghamschools.org

Mr. Russo michael.russo@bellinghamschools.org

Mrs. Siemion kristin.causey-siemion@bellinghamschools.org

Mrs. Stensgar kimberly.stensgar@bellinghamschools.org

Mr. Wilson Steven.Wilson@bellinghamschools.org