The BHS Music Boosters is a volunteer organization of parents and community volunteers who assist, encourage, and promote the excellent music programs at Bennington High School and within our school district.
We provide valuable support to both the band and vocal music programs. Some of the many things we proudly offer the BHS music department are:
Volunteers for music events
Funds for vocal and instrumental clinicians
Awareness for music performances and opportunities
Scholarships for graduating BHS musicians
Treats and meals for students during competitions
Supplemental funds for band and choir equipment
You can be a vital part of your student's music education by joining the BHS Music Boosters. Your membership is not a commitment to volunteer, but a statement of support. The simple act of joining provides instant financial support for our students! Being an involved member is also a great way to stay informed about what's happening in the music department, help plan upcoming events, and connect in meaningful ways with other music parents. Studies show people who volunteer are happier and healthier, and we are a great bunch of enthusiastic parents! Together we can do a lot of good. We hope you'll join us!
Music Booster membership is $35 per household and can be paid online through MySchoolBucks OR our Paypal account by clicking the Join Music Boosters button above. You can also pay by cash or check at one of our meetings or by turning it into the high school office. While $35 is the suggested membership fee, we also accept donations to help with the financial needs of the music programs. Our group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month September through May. Each meeting will be at 6:00 p.m. in the band room and will last about an hour. Watch Facebook and email for any changes to our meeting schedule.
Executive Board Members
President - Amy Biggerstaff
Vice President - Janene Huntley
Treasurer - Misty Redinbaugh
Secretary - Barb Knott
Communications - Jen Karolski
Hospitality - Terry and Angie Butler
Contact us at benningtonmusicboosters@gmail.com