Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how Bhrigu Apps protects your privacy when you use Apps developed by us. It covers what information about you or associated with you are collected, used, and disclosed by Bhrigu Apps.

What information does the App collect?

When you use our Apps, we may automatically collect the following types of information to implement significant features and provide you a better experience:

Device Information: We collect the following information to provide our services, implement app features, and improve the app performance.

Google Advertising ID: This is used in the third-party advertising network to provide personalized ads and prevent inappropriate advertisement content.

Support Related Information: If you communicate with us via our support section or via email, we may collect your email address, name, and any information voluntarily submitted by you in connection with such support. Such information will only be used to provide you with support services.

How We Use Information We Collect?

We use the information we collect from the App to provide you better features and experience. We also use the data to measure the performance and improve the App. We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personal information.

Opt-out of personalized advertising

To show you personalized ads in the App we use specific advertising networks and their partners to deliver ads that are tailored to you based on a determination of your interests or characteristics. You can opt-out from customized ad experience at any time by checking the privacy settings of your android device and choosing “opt-out of interest-based ads”. When you prefer to opt-out, advertising networks will think about this choice as a withdrawal of consent to customized ads experience and they will show only non-personalized ads.

Children and Families Policy

Personalized advertisements are NOT used in games designed for families.

We ensure that the advertisements we display are correctly implemented for our apps and games that are designed for families. This includes making sure the advertisements displayed in the app are approved for families and children.


Bhrigu Apps makes all reasonable efforts to ensure the security of the data that it has access to.

It uses generally accepted security measures and safeguards to keep the data it collects as secure as possible and ensures that the third parties it works with agree to do the same. The measures and safeguards include limiting access to the data to only those people who need it to complete their work for Bhrigu Apps, using a fire-wall in conditions where data is stored, and storing personal information in secure operating environments.

Policy Updates

Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time. You are advised to check our Website regularly to view our most recent Privacy Policy. Your continued use of the Apps after we post the revised Privacy Policy constitutes your acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us at