
AeroSense: Sensing Aerosol Emissions from Inddor Human Activities

A novel privacy-preserving approach using audio sensing to accurately predict the rate of aerosol generated from detecting the kinds of human respiratory activities and determining the loudness of these activities. (Accepted at IMWUT 2024)

Supervised by: Prof. Prashant Shenoy and Prof. Jeremy Gummeson

Collaborators: Camellia Zakaria and Richard Peltier


We propose an accurate and efficient audio-based cough detection system for ear-worn devices. Through extensive experimentation, we identify the optimal model, input, and data augmentation technique for cough classification. (Under submission)

Supervised by: Ebrahim Nemati and Jilong Kuang

Cocoon: On-body microphone collaboration for spatial awareness

Cocoon is a novel wearable system that automatically provides users with situational services based on their location. To this end, it combines spatial profiles from multiple on-body microphones on the fly and identifies a user’s location by matching the profile against the pre-registered ones. (Accepted at ACM HotMobile 2023)

Supervised by: Utku AcerChulhong Min , Si Young Jang, and Fahim Kawsar

FlowSense: Monitoring Airflow in Building Ventilation Systems Using Audio Sensing 

We hypothesize that the low frequency spectrum of audio signals captured from a microphone sensor can be used to distinguish the rate of airflow in an indoor environment. The larger goal of our work is to create an environmental health solution that can empower users with critical healthy air information to make better decisions of what buildings to enter while assisting the organization stakeholder to maintain standards. (Accepted at IMWUT 2022)

Supervised by: Prof. Prashant Shenoy and Prof. Jeremy Gummeson


Holistic Energy Awareness for Intelligent Drones

Holistic energy-aware multi-drone scheduling system that decreases the energy consumed by 21.14% and the mission times by 46.91% over state-of-the-art. 

Paper accepted at ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments (BuildSys), 2021 (Best Paper Runner-Up)

Supervised By: Dr. Venkat Padmanabhan, Dr. Srinivasan Iyengar  (Microsoft Research),  TV Prabhakar (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore )

[Github] [Video] [Paper

IEEE VTS Drone Competition

Coordinating Localization Assistance between Unmanned Aerial Vehicles using WiFi and Camera Perception

Supervised By: Professor Ashwin Ashok, Georgia State University.

[Github] [Video] [Documentation]

Adaptive Sampling on the go for bathymetry mapping

Working on mapping an area using efficient adaptive sampling algorithms. 

Supervised by:  Dr. P.B. Sujit, IIIT Delhi

[Project Page] [Github] [See Project]

FLAIR(FLying Array of Intelligent dRones)

End-to-End System for Surveying using multiple UAVs

Supervised By: Dr. Venkat Padmanabhan and Dr. Srinivasan Iyengar(Microsoft Research)

Accepted at ACM BuildSys 2021

Visible Light Communication in Drones

Studying the performance of  LED-camera communication for ground-drone communication under different mobile settings or trajectories of the drone. 

Supervised by: Professor Ashwin Ashok, Georgia State University.

[See Publication] [slides] [video]

Pollinator Bee at IIT Bombay

This projects imitates the behaviour of pollinator bee. As the bee goes from flower to flower and pollinates them, here the drone(PlutoX) takes off from beehive, goes to each flower, pollinates them and lands back to the beehive. This includes Aerial Robotics, ROS, V-REP simulation, Control Systems and Image Processing. Our team secured first position in the competition.

This project was developed as a part of eYRC 2018 competition at IIT Bombay. 

[See Project] [ Project Video ] [ eYRC Video][ Interview]


A light and compact wearable for capturing precise finger and hand gestures - uses potentiometers placed at every joint of the hand and an IMU. 

This project started in Hack-A-Bit 2018 and then taken forward. It secured second position at ACM Student Research Competition at ESWEEK'19 held at NYU. Later, It got accepted in ACM WearSys 2020 (Mobisys), Toronto, Canada

[See Abstract] [ See Publication][Presentation ]

Baggage tracking at Airports

This project is a complete baggage tracking system that aims to improve luggage safety at the airport. This is done using RFID and IoT technology. 

This project was developed in Smart India Hackathon 2018. 

 [Website] [ See Project] [poster ]

Air Pollution Monitoring Network

Creating server for the network of air-pollution sensing nodes in IIT Delhi. This project was developed during my internship at Aerogram, IIT Delhi

Supervised by : Dr. Sarita Ahlawat, IIT Delhi.

Planter Bot

A bot that follows the line using image processing and PID algorithms. It is also capable of detecting colors and shapes in real time. 

This project was developed as a part of eYRC 2017 competition.

[See Project]


This invention relates to guiding and assisting tourists at tourist destinations using Received Signal Strength Indicator triangulation mechanism. 

 [See Project][repository]

Matlab Simulation for MAC layer of Visible Light Communication

MATLAB Simultion of MAC layer for Visible Light Communication based on standard IEEE802.15.7 . 

This project was undertaken as a part of my internship at IIT Delhi.

[See Project]