
I am a postdoctoral associate at MBZUAI, hosted by Dr. Bin Gu. I obtained a Ph.D. in Machine Learning from the Department of CSE, IIT Kanpur, under the supervision of Dr. Purushottam Kar and Prof. Sandeep K. Shukla. I am interested in developing scalable machine learning / deep learning algorithms with theoretical guarantees on possibly corrupted training and test data, with a broad interest in understanding competing aspects of prediction and security. One of my recent research directions is Spiking Neural Networks, where we studied the implication of this energy-efficient neuronal computational model on generalization and adversarial robustness tasks.


Thesis: Learning in the Presence of an Adversary: A Provable Approach

Advisors: Dr. Purushottam Kar and Prof. Sandeep Kumar Shukla

Received Outstanding PhD Thesis Award (CSE/IITK/2023)

Thesis: Marginal Probability Distribution of Nodes Being Informed in Gossip and Independent Cascade Model

Advisor: Dr. Ruchir Gupta

       Received Certificate of Merit for Academic Excellence in Postgraduate (M.Tech/IIITDMJ/2015)

Research Experience

Work Experience


Conferences (*first co-author)




ICML 2025, NeurIPS 2024 ,  AISTATS [2022, 2023] ,  IJCAI-ECAI [2022, 2023],   CVIP [2023, 2024],    QIP 2022 

ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems [Nov'20], The Journal of Supercomputing [Nov'23], IEEE Signal Processing Letters [Dec'24], IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security [Feb'25]

Notes: (For personal reference, may contain some errors.)
