
Centipede macrogenetics

Data and code for using publicly mined georeferenced DNA sequences to perform multiple sequence alignment and calculate genetic diversity for over 100 centipede species. Determining the correlates of these global estimates of centipede genetic diversity using a beta regression statistical framework. Read the Global Ecology and Macroecology paper here.

Spatial phylogenetics

Code for using a Bayesian time-calibrated phylogeny and range predictions from species distribution models in Maxent to estimate evolutionary diversity of centipedes in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot. The species distribution models account for sampling bias and prioritise transferability, and we compare and contrast different diversity indices. Read the Ecology and Evolution paper here.

Connectivity and network analysis

Code for generating input files to run dispersal simulations using ocean flow data in Connectivity Modeling System, extract and analyse movement trajectories, create connectivity matrices to build directed weighted networks, detect Infomap communities and calculate measures of network centrality. Read the Limnology and Oceanography paper here.

Species distribution modeling

Code to run Maxent species distribution models at two spatial scales using intertidal snail occurrence locations and relevant coastal environmental layers from various sources. This is to understand common drivers of distribution patterns across species found along the Indian coastline. Read the Journal of Molluscan Studies paper here.  

Gentle introduction to spatial data analysis in R

This code is an introduction to anyone wanting to explore the programming language R for spatial data analysis.  The annotated code walks one through the different kinds of spatial data, their attributes, obtaining data summaries and creating visualisations. These modules were a part of a workshop that I co-organized with Manvi Sharma at the 14th Student Conference on Conservation Science, Bangalore on 10th October 2023.