Bhajans/Devotional Songs - हिंदी भजन

Welcome to "Creative Applabs: Bhajans/Devotional Songs - हिंदी भजन" (the "app") . We value the privacy of who are using the app and have, thus, created this Privacy Policy (the "Privacy Policy") to show our commitment towards safeguarding your privacy.

Personal Information Collected:

NO Personal information like email or phone number is collected from user in our app.

Non-Personal Information Collected:

We DO NOT collect any data from the users device for analytics or any other purposes.

Internet permission is accessed to show the ads using admob service.

Children's Privacy:

As creators of kids apps, we adhere to The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) (

When it comes to the collection of personal information from children under the age of 13 years old, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) puts parents in control. The Federal Trade Commission, United States' consumer protection agency, enforces the COPPA Rule, which spells out what operators of websites and online services must do to protect children's privacy and safety online. The privacy of your child is of paramount importance to you and we respect that.

In ads shown using Admob we have BLOCKED all kind of sensitive categories like gambling,dating,drugs etc.

Changes to Privacy Policy:

We reserve the right to alter the Privacy Policy anytime. The use of the information we collect is always subject to the Privacy Policy that is in effect at the time when this information is collected. You are advised to refer to the Privacy Policy from time to time so that you are always in sync with our current privacy practices.

Contacting Us:

If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy, you may contact us using the information below.

Creative applabs

Email: (Replace at with @ and remove spaces)