Here IS how to find the values and other important things ON THE LIST:

  • Click on the arrow next to 'Values' to see the values, demands, stabilities, etc. of items.

      • For example, limited secrets are in the 'Limited Secrets' category.

  • For some categories, there's another arrow for more specific things on that category.

      • In the 'Limited Secrets' category there is a mini-category inside of it titled 'Limited Secrets In Shiny Limiteds/Non-Secrets'.

Note: Don't actually click on that image, that's just what it looks like. If you're on computer it's self explanatory, but if you're on mobile go up in the upper left corner and click on the three lines.

Every item is lined up like this. It goes in this order: (left to right or up to down)

  • Item's picture

  • Item's name (click on it to be brought to the BGS Wiki page about it)

  • Item's normal or normal mythic value (mythic will only be found on the mythic pages, like Mythic Secrets, Mythic T3s, and Mythic T2s)

  • Item's normal or normal mythic demand

  • Item's shiny or shiny mythic value or how much the secret gets in shiny limiteds/non-secrets (only if the text is yellow)

  • Item's shiny or shiny mythic demand or the multiplier between the secret's secret value and it's shiny/normal value (only if the text before it is yellow)

  • Item's stability (rising, dropping, stable)

  • Item's notes, hatch amount, unboxed amount, or amount in existence

🚨Blue/Cyan Text = Pet's Value is in Secrets Value!🚨

🚨Yellow/Orange Text = Pet's Value is in Shiny/Normal Value!🚨

^ kind of outdated but still applies ^