Declaration 2020

on the principles of solving the problem of homelessness in Poland

Within the framework of the conference "Overcoming Homelessness 2020" the members of Polish National Federation for Solving the Problem of Homelessness prepared a strategic document calling for basing the Polish policy of counteracting homelessness on several key principles. We gathered in one place the postulates formulated by the sector that should set the direction of activities for all of us for the nearest years. We called the document a declaration because we decided to gather the broadest possible coalition of entities involved in solving homelessness around it - not only the members of the Federation and not only NGOs. We would like the Declaration 2020 to become a signpost not only for the Federation, but also for the whole system of helping the homeless people in Poland.

The Declaration was signed by approximately 300 people in total, including:

  • all members of the Federation

  • representatives of over 40 non-governmental organizations and social economy entities not affiliated with the Federation

  • the City of Gdańsk

  • representatives of local governments and local social welfare centers

  • representatives of regional governors' offices and regional centers of social policy

  • members of Parliament of the Republic of Poland

  • representatives of univerities

  • probation officers

  • representatives of culture and art

  • private persons

The declaration in English (pdf) can be downloaded here.